Sunday Times

Last rounds in last-chance saloon


No figure has made more Mampara appearance­s that the Nkandla Crooner, and readers have voted for him to be Mampara of the Year. Today, Citizen Zuma will find that he is Mampara of the Week, possibly for the last time. He might have thought his resignatio­n would spare him this dubious accolade, but alas, even in parting he rose to the occasion. In his rambling TV interview with the SABC, he said: “Why must I be persuaded to resign, have I done anything wrong? The officials couldn’t provide what I had done, but it was basically put that there’s a good mood in the country and it must be maintained . . . once that motivation is made it becomes more important to hear have I done something wrong, because that suggests if I’m not there, the situation might perhaps be different.”

Jacob Zuma

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