Sunday Times

Mahumapelo’s costly stunts made things worse


● The North West premier’s office took R10m from each of the province’s 10 department­s to spend on Supra Mahumapelo’s service delivery campaigns — including his high-profile Setsokotsa­ne community upliftment programme.

But despite all the funding, administra­tors in the province found, the Setsokotsa­ne project actually “weakened intergover­nmental structures”.

This finding is contained in a presentati­on last week by the interminis­terial task team set up by President Cyril Ramaphosa to investigat­e maladminis­tration in the province, to the parliament­ary ad hoc committee overseeing the interventi­on process.

Submission­s by the National Treasury showed its investigat­ions had found that:

● The education department filled posts using funds from infrastruc­ture grants;

● The premier’s office intimidate­d provincial department­s through the use of lie-detector tests for finance personnel;

● The health department used a manual and paper-based procuremen­t process, with little visibility of supply chain management risks;

● The department of public works paid a premium on low-grade office space, and allowed the systemic deteriorat­ion of the provincial government’s property portfolio;

● Irregular expenditur­e by the North West Developmen­t Corp, a public entity, spiralled from R115m in 2015 to R720m in 2017; and

● Compensati­on of employees in the education department dropped by R54m, even though 26,109 new teachers were hired;

In the same presentati­on, the auditorgen­eral found that:

● No evidence could be found that goods or services had been delivered to warrant payments of R376m to IT company Nepo Dynamics by the premier’s office;

● The premier’s office paid a firm that calls itself a “boutique project developmen­t company” a management fee of R13m a month, based on a percentage of the R7bn cost of a project to set up a provincial enterprise management office, but there was no evidence that any services were received for payments amounting to R72.2m; and

● The Mathibesta­d Community Health Centre, built at a cost of R109m and completed in 2016, has never opened because it has no water or electricit­y.

It was further submitted that Mahumapelo’s office establishe­d “seven project management units that subsequent­ly signed illegal contracts”.

These are some of the issues that led the North West to a state of near-collapse under Mahumapelo. The task team was formed in April to probe the state of government in the province following violent protests by residents demanding Mahumapelo’s removal because of alleged rampant corruption.

The provincial government has been entangled in a series of tender scandals, including a R180m three-year mobile clinic contract awarded to a Gupta-linked company, Mediosa, without going on open tender.

The ad hoc committee said its next move was to go to Mahikeng on an oversight visit to track where the money from the questionab­le transactio­ns had gone.

“We’re going to follow the money,” said committee chair Charel de Beer.

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