Sunday Times

Address demons in the workplace


● Stress, mental illness and substance abuse are closely related, and each affects the others to some extent.

Rhys Evans, MD of ALCO-Safe, says companies are not required to help employees deal with stress, but ignoring the signs of stress in the work environmen­t can lead to problems that could directly affect the business.

He has this advice:

● That companies run programmes that increase awareness around the dangers of substance abuse — at work and in employees’ personal time — and around mental health issues and managing stress;

● The stigma that exists when it comes to substance abuse and mental health makes it difficult for people to ask for help. Awareness programmes can address this;

● Booklets that employees can read privately, and anonymous platforms — both real and online — can make it easier for people to speak up about the demons they are battling;

● Regular drug and alcohol testing can also help to identify employees who may need help; and

● Any programme or interventi­on must take into account the link between substance abuse, mental illness and stress.

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