Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw Want your chart read? E-mail


December 2 1987, Cala, Eastern Cape 22h00

Sun sign: Sagittariu­s Moon Moon sign: Taurus

Rising sign: Cancer

You’re so creative you want everything to happen at once. What you need to remember though, is that a big part of you is looking for the safe option. Use those energies to build up your money. This year is about hard work. Next year brings enormous changes — the kind that make you nervous. No matter. From January you’ll learn to trust your choices. And when you’re ready to make the much bigger leaps in

2021, you’ll be almost calm about your new life. While you wait, think about buying a small property or updating your insurance. You’ll need a solid base from which to jump. You’re much more comfortabl­e with money than you realise. So if you’re lacking financial skills, take a course. Or at least get some advice.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

There’s a mildly self-righteous tone to the week — which means, if you’re doing something dodgy, you will be found out. That aside, you have much better things to do, grabbing all the good moments while the sun is still beaming down on you. What’s really needed here is a total escape — even if it’s just for a day or two. You’ve been taking charge of the entire universe for far too long – and you need a break.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

Here’s a chance to heal your wounded heart. The powerful force of the healer is on hand. Let him heal you. Ancient childhood issues are messing up your love life.

Dig them up. Forgive everyone. Mostly, forgive yourself — and let yourself be loved. Money’s looking fantastic. But instead of tossing it down yet another designer hole, use the breathing space to figure out what’s important.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

It’s a great week. The planets are beaming, determined to please you. So quick, make a wish list. Be specific — or the universe will throw everything at you till something sticks. Changes at work have nothing to do with you. Money is on its way. Relationsh­ips and partnershi­ps are mildly frustratin­g — but that’s not really your fault. Or theirs.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

The moon is in your sign, sending luck and opportunit­y your way. If you’re not feeling it yet, repeat quietly to yourself that you are a powerful spiritual being, here to have human experience­s. Now think about the experience­s you’d like to have. The universe isn’t fussy. If you’re keen to attract disaster, the universe will oblige. If you’re looking for success and happiness, both are waiting for you.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

You’re not making much sense – even though the planets are already pulling your life back into focus. Avoid the drama by writing your feelings down. This could be a fabulously creative time for you. Ignore that nagging intellect for once — and focus on your instincts. They already understand perfectly. Don’t waste your energy fretting about money.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

Everyone’s wondering what’s happening to you. And just because you’re yearning for adventure, doesn’t mean you get to walk away from your life. Even so, most of the changes are completely out of your hands. Your career is in for a long-term overhaul — and moving at its own pace. Your lovers are asking where you’ve gone, and the friendship­s need attention.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

In case you’ve forgotten, you were the one who asked for some excitement. So now it’s arrived, you don’t get to complain. Or stumble over the first obstacle. Remember, excitement comes in a zillion different forms. If you’d been more specific, you might have got more manageable results. As it is, you’ll have to trust the process and go along for the ride. Either way, you’ll be fascinated by whatever comes up.


Mar 21 - April 19

Fantastic news! There’s a gorgeously vibrant new energy coming into your life, bringing with it a fantastic cycle of rewards, creative genius and basic Aries brilliance. The cost is minimal. All you need to do is dump all that self-pity you’ve been dragging around — and leave it where it stands. Think of it as a childhood toy you’ve grown out of — and look for a new one to replace it.


Apr 20 - May 20

Though it’s not usually your thing, you’re suddenly hogging the spotlight. And interestin­gly, you don’t mind it at all. In fact, all this attention makes the world feel like a friendlier place. Keep moving. Success is close by. One thing though. There are those mad few who expect you to produce the moon as well as the stars — and for some reason, you’ve let them believe it’s possible.


May 21 - June 20

It’s a week for changes — some frustratin­g, some amusing, and some just perfect. Whatever happens though, don’t expect anyone to keep their promises, or stick to their plans. Most importantl­y, don’t take any of it personally. By the end of the week you’ll be much more grateful than annoyed at the turn of events. At this point, you’re not supposed to be making decisions.


June 21 - Jul 22

Shucks. You’re at it again. For some reason, you always feel worthless unless everything’s perfect. At least you’re finally getting to understand this about yourself — and accept it. So no, you can’t win every battle. But you can pick one little sideroad at a time — and do your very best with what you have. If you’re confused, stop where you are and make a choice.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

Just because you’re bored, doesn’t mean they are boring. It simply means you’ve stopped paying attention. And sure, you can always add a few new buddies to your entourage. But a better plan would be to rethink your own destiny. Does your life feel as though it’s moving in the right direction? Are you procrastin­ating over something important? Get moving.

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