Sunday Times

Your Stars

- By Linda Shaw


Sep 23 - Oct 22

Keeping the peace is not the same as allowing yourself to be everyone’s doormat. Since your personal planets are on the warpath, you’re under no obligation to behave yourself. Quite the reverse. Just remember to think before you speak. Either way, the planets are insane until mid-November. Do your best to hold on to your power, and remind yourself how fabulous you are.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Since your garbage detector is so finely tuned, you’re turning all dramas into mini world wars. The truth is, no one’s telling the truth. Not even you. So relationsh­ips are mildly strained. The trick here is to master the art of self reflection. What are you afraid of?

Who are you taking for granted?

Which aspects of your life need more attention? These are the questions. Spend some time with yourself.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 - Dec 21

Enough with the compromise. You really can have it all. But what does “it all” constitute? What do you need to make you happy? The fact is, your efforts are finally paying off. Do you sit down and rest on your laurels? Or are you spurred on to greater things? Yes, your love life could use some help. But the rest of your life is progressin­g precisely as planned.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

For some reason, you’ve convinced yourself you can handle everything at once — by yourself. Why you would want to take on such a ludicrous task is anyone’s guess. But the point is, not even you can run the world single-handed. So take a step back. You don’t really want to set the world on fire. You simply want to start a flame in a few selected hearts – beginning with your own.


Jan 20 - Feb 18

What on earth makes you think you can accomplish anything by charging into the fray without the smallest idea what you’re doing there? So. Either make frustratio­n your friend, or pull back and make a plan. Your career — amazingly — is precisely where it needs to be. And as for your personal life, the less you focus on the dramas, the quicker you’ll find solutions. Remember, you have the art of detachment.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

Just because you hate the idea of networking doesn’t mean there aren’t any people who are willing to help you out. So call it what you like — but accept the offers. What makes you think you’ve cornered the market on rescuing lost causes? Sometimes you get to be the cause — and they get to do the rescuing. Just decide what you want — and visualise yourself getting it.


Mar 21 - April 19

You’re exhausted — and truly sick of fighting for what you want. You’re even sicker of everyone expecting you to sort out their problems for them. What rot! You love it. This is what you were born for — leading, fighting, taking charge. You’d die of boredom in a week if everything was easy. Besides, you have a whole bunch of fabulous new ideas.


Apr 20 - May 20

There are wild temptation­s out there. And you are being bad. You’re getting involved with people who are otherwise engaged — and wondering why your relationsh­ips are being turned on their heads. Find ways to amuse yourself without messing up anyone else’s life — and you’ll have time for that new project that’s landed in your lap. You can rethink the grand plan in November.


May 21 - June 20

Whoops! Everyone’s suddenly telling you their secrets — and it’s all you can do not to blab. People believe in you now, so take care not to lose their new-found trust. There’s wisdom to be gained here. You might discover, for example, that someone is working against you, exploiting your generosity. Don’t let that stop you. Just keep your boundaries in place.


June 21 - Jul 22

Is everyone abusing your caring nature, leaving you with the burdens? Enough of that rubbish. Sure, it’s great to be needed. But you need time for yourself before you start sharing it with everyone else. Take a short break. There’ll be some minor drama at work when you return – so get your strength back in anticipati­on. Then decide how many of these problems are yours to deal with.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

Just because they think you’re bossy doesn’t mean you’re not right. And now they’re all starting to see how useful you can be — even stopping to ask for your advice. Enjoy it — but don’t take any of it too seriously. Just remind yourself of your own worth — and keep doing what you’re doing. There’s money out there — from a totally unexpected source. Understand that all offers are gifts from the universe.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

It’s okay. Just because you’re feeling needy and insecure doesn’t mean you are. This is simply your emotions gone bananas. Besides, you’re spreading yourself too thinly — trying too hard to manage everything on your own. The truth is, you’re making fantastic progress — even though the planets are turning your life upside down. Just keep going as you are.

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