Sunday Times


Andile Mngxitama


Adjust the work-spite balance

With the Guptas in retreat, and former Mampara-inChief Jacob Zuma losing relevance, Black First Land First leader Andile Mngxitama is running out of struggles. Enter the white monopoly capital mascot, tycoon Johann Rupert, with his off-the-wall comments about having friends in the taxi industry who can defend him. Rupert has met his match in fire-talking, with deputy-Biko warning in response, “You kill one of us, we will kill five of you.” Mngxitama’s typically rabid response of retaliatio­n could only have come from a Gupta-endowed peacetime revolution­ary who lacks personal experience of war, or of the consequenc­es of his war talk. Even with the economy battling, is it asking too much that someone give this Mampara a job just to shut him up?

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