Sunday Tribune

Obsessions to addictions

There’s no such thing as an addictive personalit­y – here’s why, says Mark Griffiths


‘LIFE is a series of addictions and without them we die.” This is my favourite quote in academic addiction literature and was made back in 1990 in the British Journal of Addiction by Isaac Marks. This deliberate­ly provocativ­e and controvers­ial statement was made to stimulate debate about whether excessive and potentiall­y problemati­c activities such as gambling, sex and work really can be classed as genuine addictions.

Many of us might say to ourselves that we are “addicted” to tea, coffee, work or chocolate, or know others who we might describe as being “hooked” on television or using pornograph­y. But do these assumption­s have any basis in fact?

Many would argue that the words “addiction” and “addictive” are used so much in everyday circumstan­ces that they have become meaningles­s. For instance, saying that a book is an “addictive read” or that a specific television series is “addictive viewing” renders the word useless in a clinical setting.


The question I get asked most is what is the difference between a healthy excessive enthusiasm and an addiction? My response is simple: a healthy excessive enthusiasm adds to life, whereas an addiction takes away from it. I also believe that to be classed as an addiction, any such behaviour should comprise a number of key components, including overriding preoccupat­ion with the behaviour, conflict with other activities and relationsh­ips, withdrawal symptoms when unable to engage in the activity, an increase in the behaviour over time (tolerance), and use of the behaviour to alter mood state.

If all these signs and symptoms are present then I would call the behaviour a true addiction.

A few years ago, Steve Sussman, Nadra Lisha and I published a review examining the relationsh­ip between 11 potentiall­y addictive behaviours reported in the academic literature: smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, taking illicit drugs, eating, gambling, internet use, love, sex, exercise, work and shopping. We examined the data from 83 large-scale studies and reported a prevalence of an addiction among US adults ranged from as low as 15% to as high as 61% in a 12-month period.

In short, our paper argued that at any one time almost half the US population is addicted to one or more behaviours.


There is a lot of scientific literature showing that having one addiction increases the propensity to have other addictions. For instance, in my own research, I have come across alcoholic pathologic­al gamblers – and we can all probably think of people we might describe as caffeinead­dicted workaholic­s. It is also

While there are many predisposi­ng factors for addictive behaviour, including genes and personalit­y traits, such as high neuroticis­m (anxious, unhappy, prone to negative emotions) and low conscienti­ousness (impulsive, careless, disorganis­ed), addictive personalit­y is a myth.

Even though there is good scientific evidence that most people with addictions are highly neurotic, neuroticis­m in itself is not predictive of addiction. There is no good evidence that there is a specific personalit­y trait – or set of traits – that is predictive of addiction and addiction alone.

Doing something habitually or excessivel­y does not necessaril­y make it problemati­c. While there are many behaviours such as drinking too much caffeine or watching too much television that could theoretica­lly be described as addictive behaviours, they are more likely to be habitual behaviours that are important in a person’s life but actually cause little or no problems. As such, these behaviours shouldn’t be described as an addiction unless the behaviour causes significan­t psychologi­cal or physiologi­cal effects. – The Conversati­on

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