Sunday Tribune

Remember the happy times, says 98-year-old Ava


NARAINAMMA Naidoo, 98, lives stress-free and urges others to try her way of life.

The Herald caught up with Naidoo, affectiona­tely known as “Ava”, shortly after her recent birthday. She reminisced about the 1900s and gave some insight on her longevity.

“You mustn’t hate anyone. Just live life with your friends and family and only remember the happy times,” she said.

Born and raised in Sydenham, she was the top athlete in her class, which she said attributed to her long life.

She said she married late – at the age of 23.

“Trends have changed. Now you can marry at any age. Previously, girls had to marry at the age of 16.

“I met my husband at a butcher shop. My friends and I used to walk past the shop and I always believed he had an eye on me,” she said with a laugh.

She was widowed in 1961, but never lost her yen for adventure.

With her children, she picked tea leaves in Sri Lanka, prayed in Pakistan, travelled across India from Kashmir to Kanyakumar­i and indulged in the food of Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.

Her most memorable trip was across Africa. “We were on the ship for six months going to all the ports and we came back with the Indians who fled Uganda,” she said referring to their 1972 expulsion by dictator Idi Amin.

She has witnessed many other historical moments.

“When the riots happened in 1949, we hid my son under the bed. We were so scared because we heard how people were being robbed and killed.

“When Mandela came out of prison, it was such a happy day. I remember listening to it on the radio.”

The great-grandmothe­r of six is not perturbed by current politics.

“He (Jacob Zuma) is our president – what must we do? We must all be together and try to be better people. Then things will come right.”

Each morning, Ava gives thanks for being healthy and strong. Exercise is part of her daily routine and she has reaped the rewards.

She added: “I must have my meat and vegetables every day, but every now and then I have to have at least one poli (a savoury snack).”

 ??  ?? ‘Ava’ Naidoo… a marvel at 98.
‘Ava’ Naidoo… a marvel at 98.

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