Sunday Tribune

The man who made Naomi

Naomi Campbell was a favoured model of Alaia. In a 1998 interview, Campbell told Ian Phillips how they met


Imet Azzedine when I was 16. It was my first day working in Paris and somebody had stolen all my money. I didn’t know anyone in the city and didn’t know how I was going to eat. A fellow model who was doing a show with Azzedine brought me to dinner

and I ate very well. I immediatel­y thought that he was very sweet, normal and a humble person, because he was cooking the dinner in the kitchen himself. He also served the food himself. I didn’t say one word, because I didn’t speak French. But, as I left, he gave me a present, a dress.

After that, whenever I came to Paris, I would stay with him. He gave me my own room and I still have it. My mom didn’t want me to go to discos and he never used to let me go. One time I climbed out of the window to a waiting taxi. When he found out, Azzedine put me in the room above him so that if I wanted to go out, I would have to go through his room. THE world learnt of designer Azzedine Alaïa’s death in Paris on Saturday, when it was announced by La Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode. He was believed to be 77, although there is some disagreeme­nt about his age.

Even if you don’t follow fashion, or consider yourself only modestly informed about it, you would probably recognise Alaïa’s influence. It was inescapabl­e and enduring.

He was known for his love

Now, when I come over, we sit around and watch TV. He loves Tunisia and still has strong roots. You can see that in the videos he watches – old Tunisian movies.

We cook eggs, fish or lamb chops in the kitchen and have dinner. Now that I’ve got a little older, Azzedine also comes to my house. But the most important thing is that we laugh. We fight and we laugh.

He’s a big practical joker. Over the years I’ve known him, he has played so many jokes on me. I’ve lost count of the number of times he’s pricked me with pins during fittings. Sometimes I’ve crept into bed at night and he’s put things under the covers. When I fell down the stairs and there was no ice in the freezer, he put a leg of lamb on my head because it was the only thing he had that was frozen.

Azzedine saw something in me and taught me to have confidence. I didn’t know how to do runway when I started modelling, but he believed in me. That brought attention from other designers, and is how I became known.

He taught me everything about the business and, even more important, things about life – to be yourself, to do things with integrity, from the heart. I think he manages that. He only designs when he wants to design. He’s always making something new, of the female form and his celebratio­n of its curves. His dresses, particular­ly his classic knit ones, swooped in around the waist and then flared out sensually around the hips.

His clothes were not precious; they were technicall­y astute and sexy – but in a distant and detached way. He defined sex appeal in the 1980s with his bandage-style dresses that emphasised the waist, drew the eye to the bosom and made the hips look utterly wondrous.

His moulded corsets were as elegant and precise as modern sculpture. His knit dresses but works to his own schedule. He likes to work late at night, until three or four in the morning. He doesn’t have to do a fashion show – people will buy his clothes whenever he wants to make them.

He understand­s a woman’s body better than any other designer. The other designers respect him for that.

Fame has not changed him. He still works the same way he did when he started. He has to look at every pattern. He doesn’t let anything go without having looked at it, restitched it and repinned it.

My relationsh­ip with Azzedine is different from those I have with other designers because he is the only one I’ve lived with. I call him “Papa” and we do have a fatherdaug­hter relationsh­ip.

When he’s angry with me or mad about something, he picks up the phone and calls my mother. He’s truthful and that’s another important thing in a friend. When he doesn’t like things I do, he tells me. I was very fortunate to have met him. Knowing Azzedine kept me on the right road.

His friendship means a lot to me and I hope I have it forever.

It’s more than just about material things and clothes. He is someone in the world I know I can call up whenever I am down, in need of anything or just want to talk.

One of my best memories is of when I was so overworked at one point and I just called him up and he said: “Come home, ma fille! Come home.” He cooked dinner for me and put me into bed. Then, he called up my agency and said: “Stop overworkin­g her. She doesn’t need to do all these things.” It’s that genuine love of his that’s very special to me.

This article was first published in April 1998 by The Independen­t.

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 ??  ?? Naomi Campbell with her guiding light, Azzedine Alaïa.
Naomi Campbell with her guiding light, Azzedine Alaïa.
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