Sunday Tribune



1 Which American politician lost the 2016 US presidenti­al election to Donald Trump? 2 What was the name of the passenger liner that was hijacked by terrorists representi­ng the Palestinia­n Liberation Front in 1985? 3 What type of animal was the plucky Rikki-tikki-tavi from the short story of the same name from the collection, the Jungle Book, by Rudyard Kipling? 4 Which person became the first ever English language writer to win a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907? 5 Who was the South African politician, long-time leader of the South African Communist Party who became Minister for housing in Nelson Mandela’s government until his death in 1995? 6 What does a cynophobic have an abnormal fear of? 7 It consists of two primary fields of research; firstly, the search for living examples of animals taxonomica­lly identified through fossil records but which are believed to be extinct and secondly, the search for animals that fall outside of taxonomic records due to a lack of empirical evidence but for which anecdotal evidence exists. What is the name for this offbeat, some might say silly, field of study? 8 In what year did the conflict know as the Gulf War or Persian Gulf War begin and end? 9 What writing system originated in Sumer around 3 000 BCE? 10 To which British Prime Minister was Leo Emery speaking when he concluded a speech in the House of Commons in 1940 by quoting Oliver Cromwell, saying; “You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go.”? 11 Who the famous figure in the Bible mentioned in 1 Kings 11:3 as having seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines? 12 Which famous Italian fashionist­a, aged 50, was killed by the serial killer Andrew Cunanan in 1997? 13 What is the second smallest country in the world after Vatican City? 14 In what year were the first Nobel prizes awarded after Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel bequeathed in his will 94% of his sizeable fortune to establish and endow them? 15 Which naval officer, explorer, ecologist, filmmaker, scientist, photograph­er, author and researcher co-developed the aqua-lung? 16 Who was the first female Chancellor of Germany, having first assumed office in 2005? 17 Who played the female lead in the 1966 film, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 18 What is the name of the command module pilot that orbited above, presumably in a rather sour mood, whilst Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to land on the Moon? 19 The Day of the Vow was the name of a public holiday in South Africa until 1994. On what day was it celebrated and by what name is this public holiday now known? 20 What is the title of the book written by Ernest Hemingway that was set during the Spanish Civil War?

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