Sunday World (South Africa)

Sisi Says


DEAR SISI: I broke up with my girlfriend because she was tired of my cheating. I admit that I cheated on her because she had turned into a psycho and became very insecure. She would stalk me on social media and pretend to be someone else and curse me. She even accused me of dating friends that I often communicat­e with online.

We have a son together whom I love with all my heart. Now that I have moved on with my life she is blackmaili­ng me not allowing me to see my son. What can I do? SISI SAYS: It sounds like there are a lot of unresolved issues between you two. In order to open a new door, you need to close the one behind you. You have a child with this woman so she is going to be tied to you for the rest of your life. Rather set ground rules now so that you can harmonious­ly parent together. There is nothing worse than a child being punished for the mistakes of their parents. You both need to resolve this, involve a neutral person to help you draw a visitation schedule for you to see your son. Thrash out the past and apologise for any wrongdoing. Only when you both get over the obsession to hurt each other, then you can put your son first. If she is still unreasonab­le, I advise you to seek legal help. DEAR SISI: I think my man is having an affair with his father’s sister. She is in her 30s and very beautiful. When I visit she is all over him like a bad rash. That is not normal. He always defends her and says I must leave her alone. She needs to find her own man and leave mine alone. What should I do Sisi? SISI SAYS: You need to leave this man if he is indeed seeing his aunt. That is incestuous and you don’t want a man who does not respect family boundaries. Make sure you are not jumping to conclusion­s though. DEAR SISI: My boss has been openly flirting with me at work and now it’s hurting my reputation. He walks past my desk and mumbles something about how sexy I look. All my colleagues look at me for my response. I normally go red in the face. I don’t want to be fired so I have not said anything to HR. Recently I heard someone say that they had seen me outside the office with him. It is not true. This is how a bad reputation starts. What should I do? SISI SAYS: You should report him to HR immediatel­y. Check if there are cameras in the office and ask them to pull footage as evidence. It is not fair on you that he is a pig. Maybe you should consider changing jobs too. But whatever you do, make sure you take the legal route, he might deny everything. It’s good to have evidence.

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