Sunday World (South Africa)



Your personal relationsh­ips are characteri­sed by harmony and warmth during this period. Your feelings are in tune with those of your significan­t other. Your ideas and decisive actions meet with a favourable reaction from those around you but this doesn ’ t necessaril­y lead anywhere. It ’ s best to cool your enthusiasm a little. Ever since you graduated from school, you have concentrat­ed on your career, romance and your spiritual life. You will have a pleasant sense of how these things are coming together. Someone from far away, perhaps an old friend whom you haven ’ t seen for a while, could suddenly reappear on the scene. A strong physical desire could well sweep over you. Your partner could be so bogged down by paperwork on the job that you could find yourself confronted with someone who is stressed, overwhelme­d and gloomy. You ’ ve always had a schoolteac­her living inside of you, and today he could come out. You might find yourself guiding those around you. Warm feelings of love and unity should pervade a romantic relationsh­ip, even if it ’ s a fairly new one. You and this person are likely to be compatible. This could be a good time to tell someone how much you care about them. You might want to buy them flowers or a card. If you are with someone you will make every possible effort to deepen your relationsh­ip and establish real intimacy. If you are single you might feel like organising a little pleasure trip or a night out on the town. You are so emotional that things might easily run away with you. Those around you will easily drive you up the wall. Calm down before it ’ s too late. An upsetting letter, phone call or e-mail could come from far and make you very angry. Stay focused, the news probably isn ’ t really as bad as you think. A positive connection could bring good fortune your way. Over the coming four weeks you ’ ll have plenty opportunit­ies to get moving on personal goals.

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