Talk of the Town

Some of my favourite places

- ... with Simon Oliver

LAST week I was contacted by Roy Bushell from Smith Street.

He wanted me to come and have a look at his library. He enjoyed my articles about books and wanted to show me what books meant to him. So I went around to see him, and what a lovely experience it was to see someone who loved the “special places” he had created.

Roy and Leanne have travelled quite a lot and spent a few years in Wiltshire in England.

As I am sure you know, in England there is a pub around almost every corner. Well, Roy got a little homesick for Wiltshire and decided to build himself a pub! I’m not a pub man myself, but Roy has created a very special space that one just can’t help but get caught up in his enthusiasm. There were glasses, beer mugs, ties and caps that he has collected from around the world, displayed all around the pub. There isn’t a corner that is not covered. There was even a stand up piano. I sat at the pub and he offered me a beer but as it was 10 in the morning we settled on a cup of coffee! I suggested that he should get a liquor licence, because once word got out, the place would be full of people who enjoy the warm comfortabl­e feeling that English pubs exude and that he has created.

After enjoying the energy of the pub, Roy took me through to his library – which was the purpose of the visit. His library is cosy, covered in thousands of books, wall-to-ceiling. Comfortabl­e chairs invite one to look for a book, sit down, relax and transport oneself into another world.

It was a privilege to share these special places with Roy not only because he had really achieved what he had set out to, but almost more importantl­y to share his enthusiasm.

As I was leaving, I noticed he had some bromeliads that I don’t have, so I am going to have to be my most persuasive to get him to part with a couple.

I look forward to hearing about your special places. Please contact me on

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