Talk of the Town




A AQ: Tell us about your occupation. I own a driving school (AB Driving School) and I’m also an instructor. I employed someone previously but I wasn’t satisfied with their services, so I started instructin­g myself.

Q: What is the most satisfying aspect of the work you do?

I really enjoy working with people. Introverts, extroverts and people of all ranges. I get to meet new people, people from all walks of life, but I also enjoy training and instructin­g.

Q: What is the one tourist aspect you would recommend to a visitor to the Sunshine Coast?

There are two things: the helicopter trip – I’m not sure if they still do it – and having a trip on one of the river barges.

I loved that when I moved here. I loved the sea breeze.

Q: If you have a bucket list, what is the top item you would like to do?

I would love to travel around the Garden Route and travel in Europe, perhaps Italy and Austria. Ag, there’s so many beautiful countries I’d love to see.

Q: What is your motto in life?

Whatever happens to you, never give up. Keep going!

Q: What keeps you motivated?

In the one sense my son, he keeps me going, he keeps me motivated. Also, the fact that I’m growing old. I don’t want to miss out on life. I want to live life to the fullest.

Q: With the high unemployme­nt rate in our country, what do you think

could be done to address the situation?

It doesn’t help saying government should do this or do that. It’s up to us to help ourselves.

Don’t expect to start at the top, its about growing, doing something out of the ordinary.

Start at the bottom and the circumstan­ces will push you, drive you.

I couldn’t find a job when I moved here, so I had to reinvent myself. Stay open-minded.

Q: Do you think enough is being done to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet? If not, what do you think could be done to change it?

We’re a big problem. Maybe we must go back to our roots. I like developmen­t but too much of it has caused the Earth harm. We need to get closer to nature.

When we live in the big city, we become removed from Mother Earth. We need to teach ourselves and kids at school to respect nature. It should be taught at school, respecting and preserving our planet.

Q: What is your favourite music of all time?

I love rock like Queen and Meatloaf, may he rest in peace.

Q: What is the one item that is always in your fridge?

Oh how boring, it’s milk. I’ll die without milk, I can’t drink my coffee without it.

Q: If you could be president of SA for one day, what would be the top three things you would do for your day in office?

Be nice to people, be caring. Do something for the people of SA.

I would create a few public holidays. I love animals so I would care for them. And the children. There’s a lot of children living in the streets and some services are not automatica­lly available to them.

I would make services such as quality education and day care available for them.

What frustrates me is that officials mismanage funds. I think politics is a sham, they protect their parties, and they care less for the people.

I believe in democracy but I would do away with the political party nonsense and do more for the people of South Africa.

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