Talk of the Town

Mental health resilience


If you ask people what will make them truly happy, they often answer, “money”.

According to social scientists the formula for happiness is as follows: H=S+C+V

Where H = Happiness, here is what that means:

S = set: your genetics set, or your mindset (do you see challenges as a problem or an opportunit­y?). S makes up 50% of your happiness.

C = circumstan­ces or conditions (are you secure in your relationsh­ip, finance and health?). C makes up only 10% of happiness.

V = voluntary control (are your choices for pleasure or are they centered on meaning and fulfilment?). V makes up 40% of happiness.

Happy people have resilience.

We have so many plans, such as financial plans or career plans, but do we have any mental health plans? What is your mental wellbeing plan for 2024 the most important thing in your life?

If you are not seeing that you are the most important thing in your life, none of the other “things” in your life will work.

Your mind is in control of your emotions and behaviours (your choices). We tend to focus on fixing problems, but if we fix our mindset, the problem will sort itself out.

Don’t blame yourself for something you cannot control. If you were brought up in poverty or a toxic environmen­t, don’t blame yourself because then it becomes difficult to fix the outcome and you become a victim. Look at how your past is affecting you as a person.

See yourself as a participan­t, not a victim. Build your own reality and forgive yourself for any past mistakes and or failures and start afresh. You are not responsibl­e for the reality you were born in. Create your own reality.

Be aware of what type of informatio­n you focus on is it positive or negative. The informatio­n you focus on shapes your mindset and beliefs.

We cannot control other people’s behaviours but we can control how we respond. For a start, be aware what informatio­n you “feed” yourself. The subconscio­us mind stores 95% of your behaviour, beliefs, habits and memories. If you talk negatively to yourself, that is what you will believe. You will remain in survival mode.

Talk to yourself from a place of caring and love. Give meaning to everything in your life. If you are going through a hard time, see it as an opportunit­y rather than a problem. Stop making negative judgments about yourself. Don’t compromise yourself.

If you feel that you need to reach out, contact SADAG tollfree line suicide helpline 0800567-567 (24 hours), or CIPLA mental health helpline 0800456-789, CIPLA WhatsApp line from 9am-4pm 076-882-2775

You can also SMS SADAG 31393, available 24 hours.

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