The Citizen (Gauteng)

Netanyahu’s coalition no real comfort



Benjamin Netanyahu is unlikely to find much comfort at home or abroad in his fourth term as prime minister after taking six weeks to form a coalition that will hold a parliament­ary majority of just a single seat.

Long at odds with Western allies over his views on Palestine and Iran, Netanyahu could be similarly vexed by domestic legislatio­n that even his right-leaning, five-party alliance will not necessaril­y agree on, analysts say.

After striking the coalition deal with less than two hours to spare before a midnight deadline on Wednesday, the conservati­ve leader made no secret of wishing he had more than the 61 seats he will control in the 120-seat parliament. “Sixty-one plus is an even better number,” he said in televised remarks.

Netanyahu’s aides left the door open to a “national unity” government bringing in centre-left opposition leader Isaac Herzog – possibly by offering him the foreign minister’s post, a portfolio being kept in reserve.

“It’s hard to say exactly how long this (coalition) will last, but it’s not viable,” said Amotz Asa-El, a fellow with the Shalom Hartman Institute, a liberal Israeli thinktank. “It will be short-lived, laden with difficulty and will end in a unity deal with Herzog.”

But Herzog was scornful of the unity idea yesterday, telling Israel’s Army Radio: “This is a government devoid of responsibi­lity, stability and any chance of governing.”

“I have no intention of serving as a fi fth wheel, uncorker or hole-plugger for Bibi Netanyahu,” he said. “I intend to replace Netanyahu, and I intend to lead a fighting opposition.” – Reuters

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