The Citizen (Gauteng)




1. The most expensive way to begin a love letter (7) 5. Study S American coun try’s energy (6) 9. Hope’s dashed ringing number at home in programme (5-2) 10. Vegetable, say, pop group’s about to return (7) 11. Harry Enfield’s drink? (3) 12. Edit picture in Delaware twice Ñ a run-down state (11) 13. Steps, say, in fashion (5) 14. Sort of engine that Õs set to work abroad (3-6) 16. Circus insurance for crazy feats round NE river (6,3) 17. Dial up bishop and make impromptu speech (2-3) 19. Sign different receipt for what’s normally paid (6,5) 22. Knock unfinished loaf (3) 23. Throne’s refurbishe­d and cut (7) 24. Exiles strode away round Portugal (7) 26. Doubtless in old city he attracts huge interest (6) 27. Done any new constructi­on? Yes, made cross (7)


1. Leaves one for love in 24 (7) 2. Farce (nearly): wild comrades of yore get together finally (1,6,2,6) 3. Former increase in Greek expenditur­e (3) 4. First note in scale blends into C (5) 5. It’s completely full up to’ Deck unfortunat­ely (6,3) 6. Lousy golfer’s ignoring tee Ñ needs teacher (5) 7. Second title for beauty built near New York (6,2,7) 8. Unruffled former nurse distributi­ng Es regularly (6) 12. Lived in wicked backward time (5) 14. Kitchen gadget T? (3-6) 15. Emin hasn’t finished sketch (5) 16. Pacific archipelag­o controls small spicy snack (6) 18. Puzzled Aussie birds resting? (7) 20. Join two hospital department­s (5) 21. Country and one of its PMs, not radical (5) 25. Harshly criticise old god (3)

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