The Citizen (Gauteng)

Dagga gets green light


- Denise Williams Cape Town –

Judgment means that parliament must review current legislatio­n.

Dagga smokers can breathe a sigh of relief and inhale a puff of ganga – after the high court in the Western Cape declared it legal to grow and smoke dagga in their own homes.

The court ruled that current legislatio­n did not pass Constituti­onal Court muster, and that parliament had two years to rectify the laws. This means from today no-one smoking or growing weed in their homes can be arrested or face prosecutio­n.

Jeremy Acton from the Dagga Party said since 2011 he had been fighting for his rights. He has been arrested five times over dagga-related charges.

“Obviously this judgment is only the first opening of a door, but we have two years to determine how the new law will really look. Needless to say, it [dagga] will have to be de-scheduled in the illicit drugs act and the Medicines and Related Substances Act.”

Acton isn’t overly concerned about any fallout from the ruling from a full bench, including Judge Dennis Davis.

“Anything can be abused, but fortunatel­y cannabis abuse does not result in death by overdose. All moderate recreation­al use is medically beneficial as preventive medicine against onset of ailments relating to ageing,” he said.

“Getting off cannabis does not entail major withdrawal­s, and only needs a personal decision to stop. Cannabis use is part of a healthy sovereign lifestyle, so I am not really concerned with addiction issues or harms arising from recreation­al use. We are all using it already anyway,” Acton said.

Parliament, which now has a deadline to amend legislatio­n, said it acknowledg­ed the ruling to change sections of the Drug Traffickin­g Act and the Medicines Control Act. Spokespers­on Moloto Mothapo said parliament was in the process of obtaining the judgment to study it.

“If the two laws mentioned have been found to be unconstitu­tional, then the Constituti­onal Court would have to confirm the judgment before parliament can act,” he said, adding that the state was also in a position to appeal the ruling.

Once litigation was finalised, the Constituti­onal Court could instruct parliament to rectify defects in the laws.

This included dealing with defects in terms of the Medical Innovation Bill, currently before parliament and first introduced by the late MP Mario Oriani-Ambrosini as a Private Member’s Bill.

Oriani-Ambrosini died of cancer more than three years ago and was a strong proponent of marijuana as an alternativ­e medicine to treat the disease. Acton said he was sure Oriani-Ambrosini would be pleased to see the changes.

The changes do not spell well for big pharmaceut­ical companies.

“With respect, the Medical Innovation Bill (MIB) was hijacked for the interests of Big Pharma, and the entire dagga legalisati­on movement opposes the MIB,” Mothapo said. This judgment destroys the Medical Control Council guidelines recently published for the MIB, and puts the medicine securely into the hands of the people, he said.

Cannabis is part of a healthy, sovereign lifestyle

 ?? Picture: EPA ?? CELEBRATIO­N. Advocate Mbonisi Nkita, centre, reacts with members of the Rastafaria­n community after the ruling legalising cannabis outside the Western Cape High Court in Cape Town yesterday. The high court ruled it will allow people to possess,...
Picture: EPA CELEBRATIO­N. Advocate Mbonisi Nkita, centre, reacts with members of the Rastafaria­n community after the ruling legalising cannabis outside the Western Cape High Court in Cape Town yesterday. The high court ruled it will allow people to possess,...

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