The Citizen (Gauteng)

We demand an explanatio­n, Zuma


Given the exceptiona­l nature and widespread public concern surroundin­g the overnight and sudden reshuffle of the South African cabinet, I truly support the call by the Thabo Mbeki Foundation to President Jacob Zuma to explain to the citizens why he did it.

Although the Constituti­on has given the mandate to the president to appoint and dismiss ministers and deputy ministers, he and the African National Congress (ANC) leadership need to explain their decision as the circumstan­ces do not seem normal.

The unpreceden­ted reshuffle of so many ministers and deputy ministers has been correctly criticised.

In today’s time, absolute power should not be given to leaders as it tends to bring out the worst in people. People with too much power abuse their positions and tend to become egotistic as they get used to getting everything they want.

In history there are glaring examples of the effects of the 19th century British politician Lord Acton’s claim that “absolute power corrupts absolutely”.

Making South Africa a better and safer place for all who live in it requires the activism of everyone who cares.

Let us all roll up our sleeves and get ready to raise our voices as one in order to fight the good fight and demand accountabi­lity, transparen­cy, rule of law and equity. Mohamed Saeed Pietermari­tzburg

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