The Citizen (Gauteng)

How did Guptas become black?


- Warren Thompson

If the Guptas are pro-black economic emancipati­on, they don’t show it in their businesses.

In the propaganda war between President Jacob Zuma and his supporters, the Guptas and Zuma’s critics, the narrative has been that those opposing the “Zuptas” are racist white monopoly capitalist­s, or their stooges.

But how did the Guptas paint themselves black? They began to establish themselves in SA in 1993. They are Indian, naturalise­d Indian South Africans in 2015. They have suffered zero of the injustices black South Africans experience­d and aren’t historical­ly disadvanta­ged. This made the intent of the new Mining Charter suspicious when it was revealed the definition of a black person in the charter included: “Black person – a generic term meaning Africans, coloureds and Indians who became citizens of SA (ii) on or after April 27, 1994 and who would have been entitled to acquire citizenshi­p by naturalisa­tion prior to that date.”

We met the Oakbay Investment­s executive team last year. There were quite a few white Afrikaans males in their businesses’ upper management. A closer look reveals the following:

Holding company: Acting CEO Ronica Ragavan (Indian female), prior to that Nazeem Howa (Indian male).

Oakbay Investment­s: Oakbay Resources and Energy – the JSE-listed public company:

Board: Terence Rensen (chairperso­n, white male); Jacques Roux (CEO, white male); Trevor Scott (financial director and CFO, white male); Dudu Nyamane (nonexecuti­ve director, black female); Mark Pamensky (independen­t nonexecuti­ve director, white male); Nazeem Howa (nonexecuti­ve director, Indian male). Management: Paul Richardson (white male), Leon du Preez (white male), Izak Marais (white male), Joseph Mtshali (black male), Henning Viljoen (white male).

Public relations company Bell Pottinger was hired to manage the Guptas’, Oakbay’s and the ANC’s profession­al image. The Guptas paid for this. Bell Pottinger: Nick Lambert (white British male), Victoria Geoghegan (white British female), and two more British males.

Profession­al services:

Gert van der Merwe (white male).

I hosted Varun Gupta, Atul Gupta’s nephew, when he was interviewe­d at Moneyweb’s offices in 2015 as chief operating officer of Oakbay Resources and Energy and when we toured Shiva uranium and gold mine. Did I see a black person in Varun’s personal security detail, or among the drivers, or in the contingent of hostesses looking after us at the mine? No. All white.

I also once asked Howa if he had any equity in Oakbay businesses. He said the family owns the companies with no staff afforded a stake. So it’s a little hard to see how the Guptas are advancing the interests of black South Africans.

Family lawyer:

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