The Citizen (Gauteng)

Wedding poseurs keep up the act


Sao Paulo – Passersby cheered and cars honked as the couple in wedding gear posed for pictures on the iconic Paulista Avenue of Brazil’s bustling economic hub Sao Paulo.

Husband and wife, Ademir Avelino, 52, and Glaucia Sudan, 45, laughed and waved, enjoying the attention. They’re used to it. The Brazilian husband and wife have the unusual hobby of travelling around the world pretending they’ve just got hitched again.

After posing in full wedding garb from Europe to the Middle East and Australia, they returned to do it all over in their native city just ahead of Brazil’s version of Valentine’s Day on Tuesday.

The obsession started after they didn’t get any pictures at their actual wedding in 2014. So they’re making up now. –

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