The Citizen (Gauteng)


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1. Top countries twice row angrily with SDLP about Spain (5,6) 9. Cleverdick’s guise is different in Wyoming (4,3) 10. Good to leave athletic ground? (7) 11. Trim top of grass? Some of it (3) 12. Swindle Whitehall department fund (ignoring odd bits) (7) 13. He sorts out query when Queen’s in residence (7) 14. Province left nothing (3) 15. Supported two men briefly (5) 17. Teacher out working in Turkey (5) 18. American woman’s escort (5) 20. Doctor Mike welcomes journalist (5) 22. Coach replacemen­t on his return (3) 24. Meat’s dear, by the sound of it (7) 25. Agent’s worried about operating capacity of ship (7) 26. Arctic explorers traverse it (3) 27. Stupid individual follows papers to do with hearing (7) 28. Poles love old royal couple’s game (7) 29. Somehow she got under what’s under camper (11)


1. Like tourists at the Trevi fountain? Some hope! (7,8) 2. Scruffy types invest silver twice separately in RBS (7) 3. Boring commercial for mythical spirit (5) 4. ‘Tournament over?’ isn’t this kind of question (4-5) 5. Wear out part of car (7) 6. Lockdown that affords comfort to child (8,7) 7. Country editor cuts bulletin up (6) 8. Stake put in for each performer (6) 16. Prepare small car about noon for brother (9) 18. Show what Salome did several times (6) 19. During violent riot drunk produces food (7) 21. Allow Anglicans to tour London without leader (7) 23. German man brought in extremely syrupy drink (6) 25. Some of the greatest sporting events at Old Trafford (5)

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