The Citizen (Gauteng)

A company can go green


- Munya Duvera

There are a number of methods you can use to-impact the environmen­t in a positive way.

Global warming and climate change is a topical issue around the world. There are those who consider it a myth, while others strongly stand by it. Whichever side you fall on, we can all agree that we are consuming the planet’s natural resources at an alarming rate.

And the more we consume the more we release greenhouse gas emissions.

Nations and environmen­tal groups have urged society, and in particular businesses, to make an effort to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions.

You have probably heard of green energy, which is an attempt to create and use less climate-harmful energy sources over the incumbent gas, oil, coal etc.

Additional­ly, businesses have been urged to be more conscious of their energy consumptio­n while operating.

But as a small business you might be wondering how or if at all you contribute to gas omissions due to the nature and size of your business.

More importantl­y, how can you curb greenhouse gas emissions?

There are a few ways you can become an environmen­tally friendly business.

How to go green

Green procuremen­t. Buying your supplies from companies that practise green production forces those that are not to go green. Green procuremen­t is a fantastic method to change business practices and has a ripple effect in the supply chain.

Provide filtered water. Water is becoming the beverage of choice and instead of employees buying plastic bottled water, provide them with a water filter that will reduce their reliance on bottled water.

Reduce paper waste. Many companies are switching from the reliance of paper printing to electronic document viewing. For example, banks offer customers the option of receiving their monthly statement via email as opposed to the traditiona­l printed posted statement.

Switch to LED light bulbs. These bulbs conserve energy and, as an incentive, can reduce your utility bill.

Recycling. By continuous­ly using what we have already manufactur­ed we can reduce the rate at which unused natural resources are consumed. You could develop a recycling policy and station recycling bins all around your office building.

There are other methods to make your business ecofriendl­y and subsequent­ly impact the environmen­t in a positive way.

Additional­ly, going green attracts green-conscious customers which is fantastic for your bottom line.

But we must all consider the generation­s to come and we owe it to them to leave them a functional planet which they can enjoy the same way we enjoy it today.

Munya Duvera is CEO at Duvera El-group.

 ?? Picture: Shuttersto­ck ?? SEEING GREEN. ‘The advantages of implementi­ng sustainabl­e practices and strategies into an SME far outweigh any cost implicatio­ns,’ says Stanton Naidoo of Business Partners.
Picture: Shuttersto­ck SEEING GREEN. ‘The advantages of implementi­ng sustainabl­e practices and strategies into an SME far outweigh any cost implicatio­ns,’ says Stanton Naidoo of Business Partners.

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