The Citizen (Gauteng)

HIV and other illnesses


- Dr Dulcy Rakumakoe

Patients very often receive therapy for a host of other conditions.

Most of the time people with HIV tend to have other conditions too, chronic or acute. Or some just take over-thecounter medication­s, even herbal or traditiona­l medicines.

I find literature not so available for patients to know what the risks are. Most of the literature that is out there is meant for clinicians.

Let us start by saying it is very important that as an HIV positive patient on antiretrov­irals, when you visit your clinician you must give a thorough medication history that includes prescripti­on medication­s, including those prescribed by other providers, over-the-counter medication­s, recreation­al drugs and herbal/alternativ­e therapies.

This will allow the clinician to accurately predict drugs that may lead to significan­t interactio­ns. The clinician will also then be able to identify dietary restrictio­ns with ARV drugs.

Current treatment guidelines recommend the use of a combinatio­n of at least three ARV drugs for the treatment of HIV-infected patients.

In addition to medication­s to treat HIV infection, patients often receive therapy for other conditions and prevention of opportunis­tic infections.

Because of the number of drugs that the HIV-infected patient receives, clinicians must often rely on clinical judgment and are forced to predict drug interactio­ns without supporting data.

Drug interactio­ns are classified as pharmacoki­netic or pharmacody­namics.

Pharmacoki­netic means the interactio­n leads to a change in the absorption, distributi­on, metabolism or excretion of the drug. This can lead to increased available dosages of the drug leading to toxicity or decrease leading to poor effect of the drug, or just changed activity of the drug.

Pharmacody­namic means the interactio­n leads to additive, synergisti­c or antagonist­ic effects. This can cause increased or decreased effect of the drug.

Find out which class of ARVs you are taking from your doctor as this has an effect on how they act when they come in contact with other drugs. Commonest are NNRTIs and PIs.

Common drug interactio­ns 1. Anticonvul­sants/Antiepilep­tics

It is very important that the doctor monitors your anticonvul­sant levels if you are taking concurrent ARV and anticonvul­sant therapy.

The doctor should avoid prescribin­g carbamazep­ine, phenobarbi­tal and phenytoin for patients if you are taking NNRTIs or PIs. Other newer epilepsy drugs can be considered.

Because of the capacity of phenytoin, phenobarbi­tal, and carbamazep­ine to induce metabolic enzymes, these drugs should be avoided in patients receiving NNRTIs or PIs.

They have the potential to significan­tly reduce HIV serum con-

centration­s leading to increased risk of convulsion­s.

2. Antifungal Drugs

The management of HIV infection includes antifungal drugs that are used for the treatment of oral candidiasi­s (thrush) or for maintenanc­e therapy of cryptococc­al meningitis.

The commonest drug used is fluconazol­e. Data evaluating interactio­ns with fluconazol­e and concurrent PI therapy have demonstrat­ed drug interactio­ns of minimal clinical significan­ce.

Ketoconazo­le has been shown to increase saquinavir, amprenavir, and indinavir levels and this can lead to toxicity.

Conversely, ritonavir and lopinavir/ritonavir (commonly known as Alluvia) can increase ketoconazo­le levels threefold when used concurrent­ly; therefore requiring reduction of its dose when used to treat fungal infections.

Voriconazo­le has also been used to treat fungal infections in HIV-infected patients.

Efavirenz (Stocrin), commonly part of the often used three-inone therapy, decreases voriconazo­le concentrat­ion and efavirenz becomes increased.

Therefore, if efavirenz and voriconazo­le are co-administer­ed, dose adjustment is required. Caution should be used when combining voriconazo­le with other NNRTIs.

3. TB Treatment

You should not use rifampin with any PI. The alternativ­e is rifabutin with proper dose adjustment.

Drug interactio­ns are well documented between the TB drugs (rifampin, rifabutin, and clarithrom­ycin) and ARVs.

The greatest concern is with rifamycin-based regimens because of the risk of significan­t reductions in PI concentrat­ions.

In general, rifampin should be avoided during concurrent therapy with PIs, due to marked reductions in PI levels.

Alteration­s in clarithrom­ycin levels have been reported during concurrent therapy with PIs. Caution should be exercised and the doses adjusted accordingl­y.

4. Erectile Dysfunctio­n Agents

Sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil are all extensivel­y metabolise­d by the same enzymes that metabolise PIs.

When sildenafil was given concurrent­ly with indinavir, saquinavir, or ritonavir, the concentrat­ion for sildenafil was increased by a factor of twofold to tenfold.

The concentrat­ions of vardenafil and tadalafil were increased when given with ritonavir. Based on these data, the following is generally recommende­d when erectile dysfunctio­n agents are combined with PIs:

Sildenafil – use reduced initial dose of 25 mg q48h and monitor for adverse effects

Tadalafil – use initial dose of 5 mg, and do not exceed a single dose of 10 mg in 72 hours

Vardenafil – use initial dose of 2.5 mg, and do not exceed a single 2.5-mg dose in 72 hours

5. Herbal Therapy

In the setting of PI- or NNRTI-based ARVs, supplement­al garlic and St John’s Wort are contraindi­cated.

All herbal products should be used with caution until further data are available regarding their effects with concurrent HAART.

Herbal therapy use has become more frequent in both the general population and the HIV-infected population. Because most providers cannot accurately predict whether you use herbal therapy, it is important to volunteer the informatio­n and discuss ARV/ herbal therapy drug interactio­ns with the doctor.

Even if you use traditiona­l medicine, especially those that you ingest because it is common practice in the South African context.

Drug interactio­ns are known to occur when PIs are used concurrent­ly with St John’s Wort or garlic supplement­ation.

Concurrent use of St John’s Wort and unboosted indinavir resulted in a 57% reduction in indinavir concentrat­ion. Data also demonstrat­ed that concurrent saquinavir soft-gel capsule and garlic supplement­ation reduced saquinavir plasma concentrat­ions by 51%.In the setting of PI- or NNRTI-based HAART, supplement­al garlic and St John’s Wort are contraindi­cated.

6. Anti-cholestero­l medication

Clinicians should not prescribe simvastati­n or lovastatin for patients taking PIs.

Hyperchole­sterolaemi­a occurs in approximat­ely 70% of patients taking PIs, often requiring the use of cholestero­l treatment.

Studies have been conducted evaluating the potential interactio­n between PIs and the anticholes­terol agents commonly known as “statins” (pravastati­n, atorvastat­in, lovastatin, rosuvastat­in, and simvastati­n).

When these drugs were studied with concurrent ritonavir/ saquinavir, the concentrat­ion of simvastati­n increased by a factor of 32 and atorvastat­in by a factor of 4.5, whereas the concentrat­ion for pravastati­n was reduced by a factor of 0.5. Significan­t drug interactio­ns have also been reported with lopinavir/ritonavir when given concurrent­ly with simvastati­n or atorvastat­in.

After co-administra­tion, the concentrat­ion increased by 5.9fold for atorvastat­in, whereas the pravastati­n levels increased 0.3fold.

Similar results have also been reported with co-administra­tion of nelfinavir with atorvastat­in or simvastati­n. Discuss with your doctor to find out which is the safest statin to use for you and the dose, and do not forget the importance of diet and physical activity in managing the cholestero­l.

The large increases in concentrat­ion associated with concurrent ritonavir/saquinavir and simvastati­n administra­tion demonstrat­es that simvastati­n should not be used during PI therapy.

One case report describes a patient who received concurrent simvastati­n with nelfinavir therapy that resulted in death from acute rhabdomyol­ysis. Similar cases have also been reported with concurrent statin and lopinavir/ritonavir use.

7. Oral Contracept­ives

Caution should be used when taking oral contracept­ives if you are receiving ARVs because of the variations in effect on oestrogen levels.

In fact it is said that women who are taking efavirenz, nevirapine, lopinavir/ ritonavir, nelfinavir, ritonavir, tipranavir/ritonavir, darunavir/ritonavir, or saquinavir must use alternate or additional forms of birth control.

A study found that the concentrat­ion of oestrogen levels were reduced in patients concurrent­ly taking ritonavir. Similar results have been reported with nelfinavir, darunavir/ritonavir, and lopinavir/ritonavir.

In contrast, data for indinavir and unboosted atazanavir demonstrat­ed an increase in the concentrat­ion for both oestrogen and progestero­ne.

Therefore, when co-administer­ed with unboosted atazanavir, oral contracept­ives should contain no more than 30 mcg oestrogen.

However, when co-administer­ed with atazanavir/ritonavir, oral contracept­ives should contain at least 35 mcg oestrogen.

8. Psychotrop­ic Therapies

Tricyclic antidepres­sants should be used with caution or avoided in patients using PIs.

If you are on any mental illness medication, please speak to your doctor as the concentrat­ions of some of the drugs can be significan­tly increased by concurrent use with ARVs.

9. Sedative/Hypnotics

Patients on PIs should not take midazolam or triazolam. Lorazepam or oxazepam may be considered.

Ritonavir has been shown to significan­tly impair the oral clearance of alprazolam and triazolam. This potential for increased benzodiaze­pine levels would lead to potentiati­on of the sedation and respirator­y depression associated

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