The Citizen (Gauteng)

Flat-earthers stand firm


- Sao Paulo

They accuse the US space agency of pulling a giant fraud with the moon landing.

Sitting by a model of the earth shaped like a pancake, Brazilian restaurant-owner Ricardo lets out an exaggerate­d laugh: “‘Hahaha!’ That’s how people react when you tell them the earth is flat,” he says.

Ricardo, who declines to give his full name for just that reason, is a 60-something man whose restaurant in Sao Paulo has become a meeting place for people who, like him, reject the notion that the earth is a sphere.

“The only things I know for certain are that I’m going to die someday and that the earth is flat,” he says.

It is a curious but remarkably large club: more than 11 million people in Brazil – 7% of the population – believe the earth is flat, according to polling firm Datafolha. And their influence stretches surprising­ly far, in a country swept up in the post-truth era and the anti-intellectu­al, climate-change-sceptic world view of far-right President Jair Bolsonaro. One of Bolsonaro’s most prominent ideologues, the writer and former astrologer Olavo de Carvalho, has said he “cannot refute” flat-earth theory.

Yet Brazil’s flat-earthers are also a secretive, at times paranoid, community, communicat­ing via encrypted messages on WhatsApp, invitation-only Facebook groups and on YouTube, where their channels have tens of thousands of followers. There they are free to state what they believe without fear of ridicule: that the earth is a flat, stationary body.

It is an argument they advance with varying interpreta­tions of physics, optics and the Bible, dismissing all evidence to the contrary as a conspiracy. Brazilians who believe the earth is flat are mostly men, often Catholics or evangelica­l Christians, and with relatively low levels of education, according to Datafolha. But don’t confuse education with knowledge, the flat-earthers warn.

“Flat-earthers are the smartest,” says Anderson Neves, a 50-year-old entreprene­ur, who has come to Ricardo’s restaurant with a pamphlet denouncing the “hoaxes” of Newton and Copernicus.

“A malignant pseudoscie­nce has corrupted the education system around the world,” says another text he is carrying. It calls the idea of a round earth “humankind’s greatest lie, dictated by the global elite”.

“Just look at the horizon. Climb a mountain and take pictures. You can see the earth isn’t curved,” says Neves.

The flat-earthers are brimming with counterfac­tual questions: If the earth is rotating at 1 700km per hour at the equator, why doesn’t everything fly off? If it’s a sphere, why can’t we see the curve from a plane? They give little credit to photograph­s from space or scientists’ answers about gravity, Foucault’s pendulum and two millennia of astronomic­al observatio­n.

“We’ve known for certain the earth isn’t flat since Galileo, since the early 17th century. But the ancient Greeks had pieced it together more than 2 000 years ago,” says astronomer Roberto Costa of the University of Sao Paulo. “To scientists, this (flat-earth theory) seems more like a topic for psychologi­sts or sociologis­ts to study.

The earth’s shape isn’t a scientific problem to astronomer­s.”

One of Brazil’s most prominent flat-earthers is Afonso de Vasconcelo­s, a geophysici­st with a PhD. He is based in the US, which is also home to a large community of flat-earthers. One died last week trying to launch himself more than 1 500m into the sky in a homemade rocket.

Vasconcelo­s operates a YouTube channel called True Science where he expounds his ideas to 345 000 followers. Fellow YouTuber Siddhartha Chaibub, “Professor Flat-Earth”, has 30 000 followers.

One of the favourite targets for flat-earthers’ conspiracy theories is Nasa. They accuse the US space agency of pulling a giant fraud. “Man never landed on the Moon. That was a studio set,” says Ricardo. As for satellite images showing earth’s curvature from space, he demands: “Where’s the tilted Eiffel Tower?” –

The earth’s shape isn’t a problem to astronomer­s

 ?? Picture: AFP ?? SECRETIVE COMMUNITY. A large 7% of Brazil’s population are flat-earthers.
Picture: AFP SECRETIVE COMMUNITY. A large 7% of Brazil’s population are flat-earthers.

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