The Citizen (Gauteng)

Welcome to the ‘new normal’


- – Parenty staff

Ask questions of teachers and drivers to ensure protocols are being followed.

The department of education is proposing a phased-in approach to getting kids back to school, starting on 1 June. Here’s a guide to preparing your kids for going back to school.

Prepare them for school being different

Because it’s business unusual in a pandemic, make sure that your child is emotionall­y prepared for school being different.

Explain why they won’t be able to hug their friend in the morning, share a desk with them or touch/ borrow any of their items.

Get them into a routine

Start treating the day as if it’s a normal school day.

Get them up early, ready and dressed as if they are already leaving the house.

Align their eating habits with school breaks.

Train them to wear a mask

While it is unclear how long the

school day will last, train them to get used to wearing a mask and keeping the mask on.

Create handwashin­g/sanitising rituals

At home you’re able to monitor how often your kids are washing their hands but this will not be the case when they go back to school.

Creating a fun ritual, like having a handwash/ sanitise alarm that’s the tune of their favourite song is a way to remind them to do it, even when they are away from you at school.

Get clarity from your child’s school and teacher

Even though your child is going back to school, this will be a farfrom-usual back-to-school due to the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Also, the department of education may have outlined what the plans are for getting the kids back to school and what the guidelines for safety should be.

But as a parent also ask the school about them and understand how they will be operating on the ground.

Will they provide masks for your child? If not, what grade of mask does your child need to wear to school etc.

Also ask, how long will school days be? How will adherence to social distancing be ensured?

Speak to your child’s transport provider

If you will not be transporti­ng your child to school daily, ensure that you get clarity from your service provider about how they will be implementi­ng social distancing and hygiene measures to lessen risk of spreading the coronaviru­s during or after their trips.

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Pictures: iStock

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