The Citizen (Gauteng)

‘Keep mosques closed’



Authority recommends places of worship hold off for another month.

The Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) has recommende­d that mosques stay closed for another month due to the risk of the spread of the novel coronaviru­s.

“In light of the special situation in our province, where the

Western Cape has 65% of national infections and 70% of national deaths, we strongly encourage [mosques] to remain closed for another month,” the MJC said in a statement.

However, the council added that mosques that were able to “afford, implement and rigorously enforce safety and sanitary procedures” should open “within the limits allowed by Level 3 regulation­s”.

This was after careful considerat­ion of the risks, the safety of the congregant­s, and advice received from experts.

“When considerin­g the ability to enforce these procedures, [mosque] committees must consider the fact that within our hospitals and health facilities, despite the implementa­tion of stringent precaution­ary measures, there have been over 1 000 infections of health workers, including doctors and nurses.”

The council recommende­d that mosques within hotspot areas not open at all and that people aged 60 and older, as well as those who have underlying conditions, should not attend.

It recommende­d that mosques which want to open on Monday – when Level 3 comes into effect

– do so with the full knowledge that they can comply with safety regulation­s. It also recommende­d a staggered approach and that instead of starting with 50 people, it slowly phase in the numbers of congregant­s.

This week, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that religious leaders were regarded as “essential workers” and gatherings of a maximum of 50 people would be allowed from Monday.

Tomorrow is expected to be a day of prayer for those on the Covid-19 front line and those suffering as a result of the pandemic. – News24 Wire

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