The Citizen (Gauteng)

Can you save yourself ‘rich’?

DOABLE: WITH CONSISTENC­Y EVERYONE CAN ACCUMULATE MEANINGFUL WEALTH If there is an investment that promises to make you rich overnight, hide your wallet and run.

- Stephen Katzenelle­nbogen Katzenelle­nbogen is a wealth advisor at NFB Private Wealth Management

In an era of constant cellphone connection, T20 cricket, and skyrocketi­ng ADD diagnoses, our generation has become fixated with the notion of “gratificat­ion on demand”.

The grand ideas of slowing down and enjoying the journey and achieving a goal through incrementa­l gains seems to resonate very little with today’s culture.

I see the influence of the instant gratificat­ion expectatio­n in the realm of wealth and investment­s. I recently overheard a millennial emphatical­ly declare: “You cannot save yourself rich.”

Challenge accepted.

The truth is, with time and consistenc­y, every one of us can save and accumulate meaningful wealth.

“Saving yourself rich” is possible with a sensible approach that recognises that exhibiting restraint when needed is highly beneficial. These two decisions will help you get there:

Decision 1: Start saving now!

Often we believe that there is no point of saving because we do not have enough funds. But, far more important than the amount saved, is simply the practice of saving regularly, and these scenarios show you why.

For both examples, assume a 10% investment return per year.

When Jabu is born, his parents set up a R500 monthly debit order into a unit trust in his name. When he graduates from university at age 21, Jabu very diligently continues to save R500 monthly until his 65th birthday.

The total contributi­on over the 65 years is R390 000.

At 65, Jabu has accumulate­d a whopping R38.8 million, when the accumulate­d interest is included. Yes, you read that correctly.

Now let’s meet Marie. Marie is born the same year as Jabu, and graduates at the same time. She likes the idea of saving R500 per month. She starts the monthly premium at age 21 and keeps this up until her 65th birthday.

In the 44 years of saving, Marie contribute­s a total amount of R264 000. The value of her savings at age 65 is R4.7 million.

To try to close the gap, what if Marie had started a monthly contributi­on of R2 500? That is five times the amount that Jabu is paying. By paying a monthly contributi­on of R2 500 for 44 years, Marie would have accumulate­d an impressive R23.7 million … still R15 million less than Jabu’s value.

These two scenarios – both featuring young and committed investors – clearly illustrate the huge value of committing as early as possible with a savings regime… simply by the contrast of the final total amount.

Decision 2: Where to save?

If you commit to accumulati­ng savings on a regular basis, you will need to consider the appropriat­e investment vehicle.

The two questions to ask about any investment vehicle are:

How will my money be taxed in this vehicle?

Any tax you may have to pay will, naturally, erode the growth. If you can mitigate this liability, then you should take such advantage.

What are the costs associated with this vehicle?

Not all products are equal in the world of investing. It is important that you question the ongoing fees associated with the administra­tion of your money.

You can choose any of the following vehicles:

Tax-free savings account

For all South Africans, this is the first option when you are looking for a long-term investment.

It is offered by banks and asset managers and is easy to access.

There are limitation­s on the amount one can contribute to this vehicle, namely:

R36 000 per year to a maximum of R500 000 in a lifetime.

Sars levies a tax of 40% on any contributi­on which exceeds the annual limit of R36 000.

Tax: there is NO tax on the growth within this fund and there is NO tax on the withdrawal.

Unit trust

Unit trusts offer a wide range of investment options, making it a very flexible mechanism to access markets. Money is not “tied up” and the investor has access to the funds on instructio­n without fear of contractua­l penalties.

Because the tax is payable in the individual’s hands, it is important to consider the effect of annual exemptions and deductions with regards to income tax. Tax: All tax is payable in the investor’s hands. Income, dividends and capital gains tax is applicable.


An endowment is issued on a life insurance licence and is governed by Section 54 of the Long-term Insurance Act. There is a five-year restrictio­n period of access to funds; within this restrictio­n period, the investor is allowed one withdrawal and one surrender.

Therefore, liquidity is a big considerat­ion here. There is the potential of a penalty (percentage of investment value) being applied if the contract changes, such as surrenderi­ng the policy, reducing or stopping monthly contributi­ons.

Tax: Investment return is taxed according to the five-fund approach for taxation. There is a set percentage, depending on whether the investor is an individual or company or trust or retirement annuity fund.

For individual­s with a high marginal tax rate, this offers an opportunit­y to reduce tax as the income tax rate is 30% and capital gains tax (CGT) of 12%. As you can see, the ability to “save yourself rich” is well within your control. If there is an investment that promises to make you rich overnight, please hide your wallet and run away. It is probably a scam.

 ?? Picture: Shuttersto­ck ?? COMMITMENT COUNTS. ‘Saving yourself rich’ is possible with a sensible approach that recognises that exhibiting restraint when needed is highly beneficial.
Picture: Shuttersto­ck COMMITMENT COUNTS. ‘Saving yourself rich’ is possible with a sensible approach that recognises that exhibiting restraint when needed is highly beneficial.

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