The Citizen (Gauteng)

In power but not in charge

- William Saunderson-Meyer Jaundiced Eye

State power can be less impressive than it seems. When tested, it is surprising­ly brittle and illusory. In tandem with the decline in its electoral fortunes and a president who, by nature, is cautious to the point of timidity, we are seeing an ANC government that is increasing­ly reluctant, or unable, to exercise the legitimate security powers upon which depend the survival of SA as a functionin­g state.

Another factor is the uncomforta­ble truth those who are literally destroying the infrastruc­tural fabric of the country are disaffecte­d former supporters from the ANC’s biggest political constituen­cy, black Africans.

It’s one thing for the minister of police to order the arrest of the bikinied blondes on Clifton beach during the lockdown. Quite another for him to respond forcefully against criminalit­y that appears to be fomented by militants within the black nationalis­t radical economic transforma­tion faction of his own party.

Last year, President Cyril Ramaphosa’s administra­tion showed fatal levels of paralysis when the riots broke out in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. Recent events are a further reminder that the power it can exercise is limited.

Last month, an illegal blockade by truck drivers closed the N3, the vital link between the Gauteng economic hub with the country’s major port, for four days. A few arrests were made but everyone was subsequent­ly released.

And now stage 6 load shedding is to teeter terrifying­ly close to a total national blackout.

Public Enterprise­s Minister Pravin Gordhan ascribed these catastroph­ic levels of load shedding directly to the sabotage of Eskom facilities. So, too, has Eskom CEO André de Ruyter.

It’s been clear that destructio­n is not only wreaked with the benefit of insider knowledge of the most critical pylons and transforme­rs, but that some of it can only have been carried out by Eskom workers operating on-site.

Despite these Eskom facilities falling under the provisions of the apartheid era’s Key Point legislatio­n, which gives draconian powers to the security services to ensure their safety, there have been no arrests and the sabotage is escalating. Despite the availabili­ty of facial-recognitio­n closed-circuit television and biometric access controls, there have been no arrests and the sabotage is escalating.

It makes for irresistib­le and unflatteri­ng comparison­s. It is a fact that more damage has been done to Eskom’s power grid in the past year by Eskom workers and disgruntle­d ANC supporters, than all u-Mkhonto we Sizwe’s soldiers and agents together managed in almost 50 years of the struggle.

During that period, 25 somewhat ineffectua­l documented bombings of Eskom pylons took place, for which 29 people were arrested, 14 were charged and 10 were convicted, ultimately serving between five and 15 years in jail. Their disruption­s caused not a hiccough to the apartheid economy.

The present government’s impotence, in comparison, is embarrassi­ng. Striking Eskom workers, seeking a double-digit wage increase from a bankrupt power utility that is grossly overstaffe­d, have ignored a court injunction declaring it an illegal strike and launched violent attacks on workers who have tried to continue to work.

The SA Police Service public order units are “monitoring the situation”. That’s political speak for standing watching the chaos from a safe distance.

The president, in contrast, has been decisive in his interventi­on. No, it wasn’t to order arrests or instruct the National Prosecutin­g Authority to apply for punitive damages orders against the law-flouting unions. It was to order Eskom to move from a wage freeze to a starting offer of 7%, but at any costs to end the strike.

That’ll teach them not to break the law.


President intervenes to order Eskom to move from a wage freeze to a starting offer of 7%, but at any costs to end the strike.

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