The Citizen (KZN)

Student protests take legal route


- Simnikiwe Hlatshanen­i –

‘Section 29 is clear that higher education must be available to everyone.’

University of the Witwatersr­and student activists of the #FeesMustFa­ll movement will take their protest for free education to the state and the courts this week.

About 40 students, academics and field experts were roped in to draft two policy documents to present to National Treasury on Friday as part of their bid to get government on board for free tertiary education.

The students said they were creating two models for implementa­tion: one of free education and another for cost-cutting at tertiary institutio­ns.

Some students claimed the Economic Freedom Fighters leadership and advocate Dali Mpofu was on board with their legal team, but Mpofu told The Citizen he had not yet been formally approached.

Former students representa­tive council leader and senior activist in the #FeesMustFa­ll movement, Mcebo Dlamini, yesterday told journalist­s their legal teams were planning to sue the Gauteng police commission­er.

This was in regard to a student who had allegedly suffered burns on her face and body from a stun grenade despatched by riot police during a #FeesMustFa­ll protest march last week.

“We have three legal teams, one of which is suing the police commission­er, as police acted illegally in throwing stun grenades at the faces of students,” Dlamini said.

“We also have a legal team that is dealing with the court interdict to restrain [vice-chancellor of the University of the Witwatersr­and, Adam] Habib from shutting down residences because he has been threatenin­g to do so.

“Our third legal team is taking government to the Constituti­onal Court.”

The activists believe they have grounds to force government not to deprive them of free education, according to Section 29 of the constituti­on.

President of the Students for Law and Social Justice, Tinotenda Muringani, said government had circumnavi­gated the unconstitu­tionality of the country’s education system by blaming a lack of resources, “but the student activists have a good chance of being heard in court”.

“Section 29 is clear in terms of basic education, when it comes to how textbooks are distribute­d and, in the same way, is clear about higher education and that it must be made available to everyone,” Muringani said.

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