The Citizen (KZN)

Avoid providers that:


Supply abortions services outside the constraint­s of the law (after 20 weeks pregnancy), outside of public hospitals or other designated centres.

Operate in unsafe and unsterile areas, do not have a clinic (physical building).

Just have a mobile number and offer to meet you on a street corner.

Cannot give you their Health Profession­s Council of South Africa (HPCSA) registrati­on number.

Use dangerous methods such as injecting poisonous liquids into the womb; inserting objects intended to dislodge the foetus or issuing tablets that are not prescribed by a doctor or registered nurse.

Tell you they can administer medical abortion (a process using tablets) after the ninth week of pregnancy.

Do not perform physical examinatio­ns, take a medical history or provide a test/scan to confirm the stage of the pregnancy.

Do not follow basic infection prevention, such as wearing latex gloves, having running water and clean linen and having separate bins for medical waste disposal.

Do not provide all your unplanned pregnancy options and offer counsellin­g.

Do not offer follow up appointmen­ts and contact informatio­n in case of problems or questions.

Sell you medical abortion tablets over the internet without a prescripti­on.

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