The Citizen (KZN)

Freedom of expression is pillar of democracy


We have watched the state poke its nose into everything we do, writes of Benoni.

Farouk Araie

South Africans should be concerned about possible regulation of the social media. The government alleges there exists a plot to enact regime change in South Africa by foreign institutio­ns. We have patiently endured the erosion and abridgemen­t of our freedoms.

We have watched the state become an overbearin­g and meddlesome nanny state that pokes its nose and sticky fingers into virtually everything we do.

It is incumbent upon us to seriously and thoughtful­ly examine those principles that we will never cede or surrender. We have already surrendere­d much of the freedom bequeathed to us by our struggle icons.

Freedom of the press and of expression and speech, including the right to critique, constitute­s one of the key pillars upon which this nation is founded. It is non-negotiable.

We must defend freedom, even when that means letting those we disagree with have their say. Indeed, a difference of opinion, even if it is bitter and disrespect­ful, often feeds into free polemic debate, in which satire plays a full part.

We are not against measures required to guard the safety of the state, but against laws which clearly impinge on our hard won freedom. The road to tyranny is paved with good intentions.

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