The Citizen (KZN)

‘Cheat’ row escalates

- Bangalore

– Australia’s and India’s cricket boards sprang to the defence of their respective captains yesterday amid a spiralling war of words that soured the aftermath of the dramatic second Test.

India’s 75-run victory on Tuesday in Bangalore, after Australia crashed to 112 all out, has left the four-match series between the world’s top two sides tantalisin­gly poised at 1-1.

But yesterday’s headlines were dominated by Indian skipper Virat Kohli’s accusation that Steve Smith (above) abused the decision review system, after he was seen looking to the Australian dressing-room while considerin­g appealing against his dismissal.

The rules forbid players to consult with anyone off the pitch about whether to seek a review from the umpires, particular­ly as support staff have access to television replays in the dressing-room.

At the post-match press conference, Smith put it down to a oneoff “brain-fade”.

But an angry Kohli said that rather than being an isolated incident, “it’s been happening for the last three days”.

Cricket Australia’s chief executive James Sutherland said any questionin­g of Smith’s integrity was “outrageous”.

Amid a clamour among former Indian players for Smith to be sanctioned, the Indian board said it had raised his behaviour with the Internatio­nal Cricket Council (ICC) while launching its own defence of Kohli.

But late yesterday, the ICC released a statement confirming that ‘‘no charges have been laid against any player under the ICC Code of Conduct following the second Test’’. – AFP

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