The Citizen (KZN)

Middle East on a knife’s edge

OVER ULTRA-SENSITIVE HOLY SITE UN to hold talks regarding spiralling violence in Jerusalem

- Jerusalem

Two Palestinia­ns died in clashes with Israeli forces on Saturday as the army moved in to seal off an attacker’s home after violence over security measures at an ultra-sensitive holy site.

The United Nations Security Council will hold closed-door talks today about the spiralling violence after Egypt, France and Sweden sought a meeting to “urgently discuss how calls for de-escalation in Jerusalem can be supported”.

The deaths followed bloodshed on Friday, when a 19-year-old Palestinia­n killed three Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank and three Palestinia­ns died in clashes with Israeli forces.

On Saturday, Palestinia­n youths hurled stones and petrol bombs as the army used a bulldozer to close off the 19-year-old attacker’s West Bank village and prepare his house for probable demolition. Israel frequently punishes the families of attackers by razing or sealing their homes as a deterrent.

Clashes also flared in east Jerusalem and other Palestinia­n villages in the West Bank near Jerusalem, police said, adding that anti-riot measures were used against them. At the Qalandiya crossing between the West Bank and Jerusalem, at least eight Palestinia­ns were wounded, the Palestinia­n health ministry said.

Israel’s Shin Bet internal security agency meanwhile said yesterday it had arrested 25 men active in the militant Hamas group that rules the Gaza Strip.

Also yesterday, a rocket fired at Israel from Gaza exploded midair, the Israeli army said, causing no injuries.

No Palestinia­n group claimed responsibi­lity for the projectile.

The violence was triggered by security measures including metal detectors at the entrance to the Haram al-Sharif compound, known to Jews as the Temple Mount, ahead of the main weekly Friday prayers.

Israel imposed the measures after a gun and knife attack killed two Israeli policemen on July 14.

The Palestinia­ns reject the measures, viewing them as Israel asserting further control over the holy site. The site in Jerusalem’s Old City that includes the revered Al-Aqsa mosque and Dome of the Rock has been a focal point for Palestinia­ns. On Friday, clashes erupted around the Old City.

Palestinia­n president Mahmud Abbas announced late Friday he was freezing contact with Israel.

There was no immediate public reaction from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. – AFP

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