The Citizen (KZN)

Gang units are needed – Zille


The national minister of police’s decision to deploy the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) in gang-ridden areas in Cape Town is a step in the right direction, the Western Cape government says.

On Tuesday, Police Minister Fikile Mbalula, pictured, announced the SANDF would help quell gang violence in both Gauteng and the Western Cape.

Western Cape Premier Helen Zille said this was a start, but a more permanent solution was needed. The army would bring about short-term stability, but the gang units disbanded several years ago should be reinstated as a long-term strategy.

Zille added: “While we have enjoyed a good working relationsh­ip with Saps at provincial level, much needs to be done to boost police resources and bolster crime fighting efforts.

“Half of all murders occur in just 7% of Western Cape precincts – the same areas where police resources are lacking. This under-resourcing crisis remains the domain of Minister Mbalula and national SA Police Service (Saps), where the control and operationa­l mandate over policing lies.”

She said President Jacob Zuma had promised the gang units would be reestablis­hed in early 2016, but this had not happened.

“It is unfathomab­le that Saps plans to cut 3 000 police officers from the Western Cape at a time when police-to-population ratios are soaring well above the national average.

“The use of police reservists has also been close to 0% over the last three years in the Western Cape. This is due to the current reservist recruitmen­t policy by Saps.” – ANA

Half of all murders occur in just 7% of Western Cape precincts – the areas where police resources are lacking. Helen Zille Western Cape Premier

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