The Citizen (KZN)

Man in court for toothpicks prank

- Singapore

– A 60-year-old Singaporea­n yesterday pleaded guilty to “mischief” after he was caught sticking toothpicks in bus seats, a case that highlights the tightly controlled country’s tough approach to even minor crimes.

The city-state, whose crime rates are among the world’s lowest, has harsh laws for minor offences such as vandalism, which can be punished with caning. The import and sale of chewing gum is banned except for medical reasons.

Lim Lye Seng admitted the offence at a district court and asked to be fined, although prosecutor­s are pushing for him to be jailed. The offence of “mischief” carries a maximum one-year jail term. He is due to be sentenced next month.

“I am pleading for your honour’s leniency,” Lim told the court through an interprete­r, adding he was supporting two young children and elderly parents.

Lim stuck toothpicks in bus seats four times between July and August and told investigat­ors he did it as a prank because he was bored, according to prosecutor­s.

The case came to light after a Facebook user posted pictures of three toothpicks sticking out of a bus seat, and the image went viral.

In 2015, two German men were sentenced to nine months in prison and three strokes of the cane for spraypaint­ing a metro train. – AFP

The case came to light after a Facebook user posted pictures of three toothpicks sticking out of a bus seat, and image went viral.

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