The Citizen (KZN)

Henri’s epilepsy enters the trial



Neurologis­t’s testimony is relevant to the time lapse highlighte­d in the trial.

Triple murder-accused Henri van Breda spent the weekend at Constantia­berg Mediclinic, a private hospital in Cape Town, where he was diagnosed with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy after a series of medical tests.

Yesterday, defence lawyer Piet Botha told the Western Cape High Court that his 23-year-old client had a seizure on Wednesday last week, was hospitalis­ed on Thursday and was seen by neurologis­t Dr James Butler.

Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) is an inherited genetic syndrome. Episodes are characteri­sed by involuntar­y muscle twitching that do not usually result in the person falling, “but rather dropping objects. Other seizure types, such as generalise­d tonic-clonic (GTCs) and absence seizures, can also occur”.

Generalise­d GTCs are usually triggered by sleep deprivatio­n. Onset of the sypmtoms is usually between age 10 and 16, but can present in some patients in their twenties.

The defence was due to call a psychologi­st yesterday, but proceeding­s were postponed to give her time to amend her report if she deemed it necessary, as she has not yet seen the neurologis­t’s report.

Judge Siraj Desai said ethical issues may arise, however, as the neurologis­t, Dr James Butler, had been a potential state witness whom they did not call, but had consulted. Judge Desai will have to decide, after listening to arguments from both sides, if he can be called. But Botha urged the court to call him if the defence’s request is turned down as the doctor’s testimony is “relevant to the two hours and 40 minutes”, a time lapse highlighte­d in the trial.

Van Breda has pleaded not guilty to murdering his father, Martin, brother Rudi and mother Teresa. His sister Marli, who was 16 at the time of the January 2015 attacks, survived but suffered severe head injuries.

Van Breda claims that an intruder, armed with an axe and knife, and wearing dark clothing, a balaclava and gloves was behind the attacks. He said in his plea explanatio­n that during the pursuit of the attacker he lost his footing and fell down the stairs. He added: “I do not know what made me fall, but my fall was quite severe.”

After the attacker fled and he had tried to phone his girlfriend without success, he said he went up the stairs, where he could hear his brother Rudi in the bedroom. On the middle landing, he saw Marli moving, while his mother was not moving.

“I then lost consciousn­ess. I am unsure whether this was due to shock or to the injuries that I sustained when I fell down the stairs, or a combinatio­n of both.”

He has also told the court he did not go to his family members when he regained consciousn­ess as he didn’t think he could help them. Instead, he smoked three cigarettes at the kitchen counter in a bid to stay “calm” while on the phone to emergency services.

The psychologi­st who takes the stand today is expected to explain his inaction to the court. Senior state prosecutor Susan Galloway said she did not object to the psychologi­st’s testimony, but would argue what weight should be attached to it.

Court proceeding­s will resume today. – ANA

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