The Citizen (KZN)

The people will fight their revolution


The internatio­nal community is, in principle, against coups. They have their “internatio­nal diplomatic reasons” for this, but they do very little to help the citizens under dictators like Robert Mugabe, Bashir al-Assad of Syria, and Rodrigo Duterte of the Phillippin­es.

At times sanctions will be imposed, which is more detrimenta­l to the poor citizens than the rich dictators and their cronies.

Mugabe, pictured, was dethroned via a coup ... a very “profession­al/soft coup” (if ever there was something like that). He was president for over 37 years and I will bet not all those years were as bad as his last decade or so.

Mugabe was a founder of the Zimbabwe freed from British colonialis­m. He was at times considered a comrade, someone who contribute­d immensely to the struggle. A highly educated man with several degrees and even knighted by the queen nogal. Yes, he has fallen from grace – deservedly so. He became a monster.

But what is the way forward for Zimbabwe? Uncertaint­y, if it could be described in one word.

Send us your letter

My prayers are for the new leaders to know that people will fight their own revolution. And I doubt if they will wait another 37 years to say “enough is enough”.

Papla v Nantes,

Eersterust We publish letters that come with full name, address and telephone number even if you want to use a pseudonym. letters@, fax 010-492-5386 or PO Box 43069 Industria 2042

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