The Citizen (KZN)

Stop faking it and just tell the truth, please


In banning fake news, who decides what is fake news, asks

of Melbourne.



hey should all say: the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – but too many are spreading fake news and although this is not new news, it is becoming common news.

Fake news has been brought to prominence by US President Donald Trump who claims to be a victim of the fake news media. Trump has, for example, labelled the New York Times as a purvey- or of fake news, although a quick Google search on the topic lists it as being the most trusted newspaper in the world.

In response to the rise of fake news, there are now a number of countries that are trying to ban “fake news”. The list now includes Russia and Malaysia, with Malaysia proposing six-year jail sentences.

But in banning fake news, seemingly a positive outcome, who decides what is fake news? A number of countries that do not value freedom of speech could easily label any opposition as fake news and imprison journalist­s. Not all would then be brave enough to stand up and write against this for fear of being the next imprisoned.

A surprising piece of fake news? Voltaire is said to have stated: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” But this statement defending the freedom of speech was actually written by the biographer Beatrice Evelyn Hall, although under a pseudonym, SG Tallentyre. Where will the fake news and half-truths stop?

Just tell the truth!

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