The Citizen (KZN)

Sex education shift causes stir

Success depends on relevance to South Africa, say experts

- Chisom Jenniffer Okoye

Statistics show pregnancy, STD rates higher with abstinence-only approach.

Despite the controvers­y surroundin­g the introducti­on of the comprehens­ive sexuality education (CSE) curriculum in schools, experts agree its success depends on whether it is relevant to the South African context.

Educationa­l psychologi­st Vanessa Barnes said her main concern was that the curriculum was developed for Westernise­d countries and it may not necessaril­y take the South African context into considerat­ion in terms of cultural beliefs and values, lack of resources and funding.

Freedom of Religion SA executive director Michael Swain said that internatio­nally, the focus had shifted from education on safer sex to sexualised education, which was not an approach the nongovernm­ental organisati­on supported for children.

Swain said: “We do understand how sex education could be helpful in reducing the high rates of teenage pregnancy ...

“If this curriculum is taken up, we don’t want it to become sexualised and for parents to retain their right to know what their children are being taught and to have the right to opt out if they do not agree with it.”

Department of education spokespers­on Elijah Mhlanga said the national school pregnancy statistics showed significan­t increases, while the rate of HIV infection was very high. He said some schools had started using the curriculum because “it’s a major issue that cannot wait”.

Barnes said there did not appear to be much research on the comparison­s between abstinence-only education and CSE in the South African context, but that overseas statistics found pregnancy and STD rates were higher among young people who received abstinence-only education.

“Firstly, abstinence-only education discourage­s young people from discussing sexual developmen­t as a normal part of growing up. Secondly, young adults are less likely to obtain condoms as they could get into trouble. Thirdly, it often uses scare tactics to encourage avoidance of sexual encounters among youth.

“Lastly, it offers more informatio­n to adolescent­s on their options if they fall pregnant. This varies from programme to programme as some teachers are already encouragin­g an open approach to sexuality and sexual education, regardless of which curriculum they follow.”

Mhlanga said the department believed CSE would have an impact on a problem that was destroying the lives of young people.–

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