The Citizen (KZN)

Not all lumps are cancer


- Dr Dulcy Rakumakoe

Even men can get breast lumps – but don’t panic. Here are some tips on how to handle it.

Finding a lump in your breast can be very scary. You need to know that not all lumps are cancer. Benign breast conditions can occur in both women and men.

Breast tissue changes during a woman’s entire life. It is sensitive to changing hormone levels during the menstrual cycle.

Yes, if you notice any breast changes, you should go to your doctor or clinic right away, but there is no need to panic. Most breast lumps are benign, which means they’re not cancerous.

Benign breast lumps usually have smooth edges and can be move around like mice when you touch them. They are usually often found in both breasts.

There are quite a number of common causes of breast lumps, including breast infection and medicines that may cause lumps.

Many benign breast conditions mimic the symptoms of breast cancer and need tests (and sometimes a biopsy) for diagnosis. Therefore, for any breast changes see your doctor. The doctor will perform a breast exam to feel for lumps or other changes in the breast tissue and under the arms.

If there is fluid coming out of your nipple, your doctor will collect a sample and check for cancer cells. He may also do a mammogram or ultrasound to see if the lump is solid or filled with fluid. Your doctor may order a biopsy. He will take a tiny sample of the lump with a needle or small cut and send it to a lab.

A few factors can increase the risk of benign breast conditions, including menopausal hormone therapy, oral contracept­ive use, a family history of breast cancer or benign breast conditions.

Some lifestyle factors during the teen years may also affect the risk of benign breast conditions in adulthood. For example, drinking alcohol and smoking during the teen years may increase the risk of benign breast conditions. Eating foods that contain carotenoid­s (like melons, carrots and squash), nuts and beans may lower risk.


Once you turn 20, your doctor may give you a breast exam in which he feels your breast tissue for changes. It is recommende­d that one gets a clinical breast exam every one to three years, starting at 20. As you get older, have regular mammograms. Talk to your doctor to decide the right time and how often because experts disagree. The American Cancer Society recommends getting one every year once you turn 45. Others say every two years when you turn 50, until you’re 74.

If you’re at high risk for breast cancer, you should get a mammogram every year. You may also get ultrasound screenings too. Breast MRI screening, in addition to mammogram, is used only if your lifetime risk of breast cancer is greater than 20%. Talk to your doctor to decide what is best.


Fibroadeno­mas are the most common benign tumours. If you push on them they are solid, round, rubbery lumps that move freely, hence they term breast mouse. They’re usually painless. Fibroadeno­mas happen when your body forms extra milk-making glands. Women between 20 and 30 get them most often. They’re also more common in black women. They can be removed surgically

Fibrocysti­c changes – These changes are often most noticeable during your 40s. They are the most common cause of benign breast lumps in women ages 35 to 50. Changes happen in a woman’s breast due to the normal monthly menstrual cycles. These are known as fibrocysti­c breast changes. Women with fibrocysti­c breasts usually get lumps in both breasts that increase in size and tenderness just before they get their period. They sometimes have nipple discharge as well. The lumps tend to subside after they get their period. These lumps are milk ducts and tissues around them that have formed cysts.

The cysts enlarge quickly in response to hormones released near your period. The lumps may be hard and may be felt as a single (large or small) breast lump. Fibrocysti­c changes can also cause breast tissue to thicken.

Postmenopa­usal women are less likely to have these types of breast changes. That’s because they don’t have monthly changes in hormones.

Fibrocysti­c breast changes do

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