The Citizen (KZN)

A financial planner can be helpful

- Wouter Fourie

The relevance of using a financial planner and the role they play is something questioned by many.

Today, informatio­n is readily available and as a result people feel empowered to take care of their own financial planning needs.

However, much of that informatio­n is biased, offering a limited view of a complex world.

Financial planning and investing for retirement isn’t determined by a single decision or event but by years of discipline.

The most important factor shaping your retirement planning success is you.

That decision to take ownership of your goals and start saving is where most people fail.

This decision may change with every new life stage – being a student, getting married, starting a family, etc.

Throughout it all you need to plan for retirement and diligently stick to your plan, month after month, to achieve your goals.

This is where a trustworth­y financial planner is key.

Your financial planner must educate you through tough decisions so you understand your options and the impact of your decisions.

Mentoring and coaching are often an integral part of this process.

Honesty is required and the ability to be firm enough to let you know when you’re veering off your path to success.

This is a very close relationsh­ip, based on trust and the highest ethical values.

Any good, independen­t financial planner considers a vast range of laws and regulation­s, together with the relevant range of products, to give you customised advice while keeping your personal circumstan­ces in mind.

Financial planners, therefore, need to understand tax implicatio­ns and offerings available.

They need to keep abreast of ever-changing financial landscapes and legislatio­n, while always being mindful of politics and the economy.

But ultimately your financial planner needs to put you, your goals and your needs, first.

By using an independen­t planner, you have the peace of mind they aren’t under pressure to punt products of certain suppliers. Wouter Fourie is at Ascor Independen­t Wealth Managers

Your financial planner must educate you through tough decisions so you understand your options and the impact of your decisions.

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