The Citizen (KZN)

We need to help one another


e are living in difficult times in which people are faced with a lot of challenges. They need help to deal with their challenges.

I was encouraged by the story of a woman I met this week who told me that her father taught her to set monthly targets of people she wants to help. Her target is five people and she proudly told me that she has been exceeding that target for two years.

The story of the woman touched me and forced me to do introspect­ion. Her story made me ask myself how many people I am helping monthly.

How easy it is for someone to dedicate their time to help people on a monthly basis? What could be achieved if we all bought into this idea of helping others?

I am taking a leaf from her book and challengin­g everyone to do the same.

You don’t need to be rich to help someone. Small things make huge difference to someone.

All of us can play our part in changing someone’s life. Sometimes, people just need motivation, words of encouragem­ent.

I remember when I was in high school people would come to our school and give motivation­al talks. That really played an integral part in opening my eyes.

It motivated us to look at life with a different eye, change bad behaviour and be good pupils.

We use to have events organised by pupils who passed matric. They shared relevant informatio­n with us.

Help comes in different ways, we just have to go back to our roots and revive the sense of

We publish letters that come with full name, address and telephone number even if you want to use a pseudonym.

fax 010-4925386 or PO Box 43069 Industria 2042 Now that we approach May 8, it is high time that we South Africans become seriously determined to exercise democracy. It is not the political parties that will alter the situation and improve our country, it is us the electorate through the ballot box. Mayor Mashaba, don’t lose any sleep over the orchestrat­ed ANC puppets that protested in Alexandra when you went to have a meeting with the people who live there! That’s the only thing the ANC are capable of doing. The clowns can’t even get the spelling correct on billboards. Heh, heh, heh! Barrie B

Often, elders tell us how they used to share with those who didn’t realise sharing is caring.

Indeed, sharing is caring. Lets help one another.

Didn’t Jacob Zuma promise five million jobs? Now Cyril Ramaphosa promises a million houses for Alex. The ANC don’t just steal millions, they also promise millions! Janni F The nicest thing about the new Tiger Woods is his total demeanour on the golf course. No more scowling and grimacing at all and sundry.

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