The Citizen (KZN)

Surge of Covid-19 cases in India



24 000 new infections reported in 24 hours, taking toll to nearly 700 000.

India yesterday became the third-highest coronaviru­s case load in the world, as officials warned hospitals in the United States were in danger of being overwhelme­d by a surge in infections.

Despite signs of progress in parts of Europe – where the Louvre in Paris reopened yesterday – total global infections are fast approachin­g 11.5 million, with more than 533 000 deaths.

The Indian government – like many around the world – has gradually lifted virus restrictio­ns to help the battered economy, but the number of cases has continued to climb, with 24 000 reported in 24 hours to take the total to nearly 700 000 yesterday.

India’s major cities – including New Delhi and Mumbai – are the hardest-hit and critics say too few tests are being conducted and that many Covid-19 infections are likely to go undiagnose­d.

The surge forced authoritie­s in India to convert hotels, wedding halls, a spiritual centre and even railway coaches to help provide care to coronaviru­s patients.

And in Australia, where the virus outbreak had largely been brought under control, a new spike in cases in Melbourne forced authoritie­s to effectivel­y seal off the state of Victoria from the rest of the country.

The US – the worst-hit nation – has struggled to respond to the devastatio­n wrought by the virus, with its national death toll rising to nearly 130 000 out of 2.8 million confirmed cases, and many states hit by increasing infections after lockdowns were eased.

Hospital beds are full in parts of Texas, while calls for fresh stay-at-home orders are growing. Some mayors have said their cities reopened too early, as President Donald Trump tried to downplay the disease that has gripped much of the country.

The annual 4 July holiday weekend was overshadow­ed by growing evidence that the pandemic response has exacted a heavy price across the south and west of the US, after previous hotspots such as New York emerged from the worst of the virus.

“Our hospitals here in Harris County, Houston, and 33 other cities ... they’re into surge capacities. So their operationa­l beds are taken up,” said Lina Hidalgo, chief executive of Texas’s Harris County.

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