The Citizen (KZN)

No joke – aping around could be ancient


Paris – A boisterous young chimpanzee slaps an adult in his family on the back, then scampers away and looks back to see the response to his cheekiness.

Nothing yet, so the young chimp, Azibo, rolls back and dishes out another slap, this time provoking a reaction: the distracted adult waves a half-hearted swipe in his direction, shooing the troublesom­e youth away.

This scene recorded at Leipzig Zoo in Germany is just one of many analysed by scientists to show that great apes engage in playful teasing in a similar way to young children.

Because all four species of great ape were recorded teasing each other, the “cognitive prerequisi­tes for joking” probably evolved in a shared ancestor millions of years ago, the scientists said in a new study yesterday.

The researcher­s catalogued a wide range of classic japery. One ape would offer another an object, only to withdraw it at the last second. Or they would prevent their mark from grabbing something they want. Other tricksters simply did the opposite of what they were told. Some just liked to poke.

Much of this behaviour is common in children, starting from around eight months.

Somewhere between normal play and aggression, playful teasing involves anticipati­ng the response of others, as well as enjoying going against their expectatio­ns, according to the study in the journal Proceeding­s of the Royal Society B.

Lead author Isabelle Laumer said the researcher­s were surprised this rambunctio­us teasing “rarely resulted in any aggressive behaviour”.

The primatolog­ist, Jane Goodall, had previously observed that young chimpanzee­s “sometimes disturbed older animals when they were sleeping by jumping on them or playfully biting them, or pulling their hair,” Laumer said.

“The adults reacted to this quite calmly,” added Laumer, a cognitive biologist and primatolog­ist at Germany’s Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour.

The team, which included researcher­s from the University of California, Los Angeles, analysed 75 hours of video of chimpanzee­s, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans getting up to hi-jinks in zoos.

Focusing on one youth of each species, they identified 18 different teasing behaviours.

Unsurprisi­ngly, chimpanzee­s were up to the most funny business. They liked slapping a dozing adult or just generally getting in the way. Orangutans showed a proficienc­y at hair pulling. Gorillas were fans of that most traditiona­l of provocatio­ns: the shove.

As demonstrat­ed by Azibo, most of the interactio­ns involved a youth starting to tease an adult, then repeating the gesture until they got a reaction.

In one quarter of the interactio­ns, the initial target turned the tables on the prankster, teasing them right back.

That could devolve into more traditiona­l play, in which the apes wrestled, chased, mock-bit or tickled each other.

Such play takes two, but playful teasing has to be asymmetric­al – one has to target another, the researcher­s emphasised.

The cognitive ability to engage in such joking must have been present in the common ancestor of humans and all modern primates at least 13 million years ago, they said.

But what is the purpose of this incessant teasing among apes?

Laumer said that for human children, such teasing helps “test social boundaries”, creating mutual enjoyment and therefore potentiall­y strengthen­ing the relationsh­ip between the prankster and the butt of their joke. –

 ?? Picture: AFP ?? WE ARE FAMILY. Two mountain gorillas, including one silverback, and their offspring in the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. The multiplica­tion of mountain gorillas since the ’90s is a success, Unesco says.
Picture: AFP WE ARE FAMILY. Two mountain gorillas, including one silverback, and their offspring in the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. The multiplica­tion of mountain gorillas since the ’90s is a success, Unesco says.

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