The Citizen (KZN)

Mining output pure gold


- Ina Opperman –

Unreliable power, theft undermine explore investment.

Mining output was positive in the fourth quarter of 2023, despite a sharp decrease of 4.2% in December compared to a 2.7% increase in November compared to October.

However, the mining sector should still make a positive contributi­on to overall gross domestic product in the fourth quarter as mining production increased by 2.5% compared to the third quarter.

But South Africa’s total mining output declined by 0.4% in 2023, after the 7.2% contractio­n recorded in 2022. Annual output only increased by 0.6% most recently, following the previous month’s 6.9% expansion.

“The December outturn was weaker than our expectatio­n of an increase of 3.0%, compared to a year ago and much lower than the consensus forecast of 4.9%,” Jee-A van der Linde, senior economist at Oxford Economics Africa, says.

The largest positive contributo­rs to the yearly increase were platinum group minerals that increased by 9.4% and contribute­d 2.8 percentage points, coal that increased by 5.8% and contribute­d 1.3 percentage points and chromium ore that increased by 19.9% and contribute­d 0.7 percentage points.

Van der Linde says the mining industry, from a revenue-generating perspectiv­e, has found it more challengin­g to produce meaningful growth recently. “Regulatory uncertaint­y, a lack of reliable electricit­y supply, logistical infrastruc­ture inefficien­cies and theft, among other factors, undermine South Africa’s attractive­ness for mining exploratio­n investment.”

During his address at the 2024 African Mining Indaba, President Cyril Ramaphosa highlighte­d mining’s significan­ce for the economy and acknowledg­ed the shortcomin­gs the industry faces.

He also reiterated what government is going to do to tackle these challenges, as he did the year before. “However, the reality is that the operationa­l performanc­es of Transnet and Eskom that are salient role players in the mining industry, continued to deteriorat­e over the past year, with the odds of an improvemen­t still slim.”

Even so, there was positive movement on the policy front and signs of willingnes­s from government to increase private sector participat­ion in the overall economy, Van der Linde says.

The department of mineral resources and energy’s recent announceme­nt that SA’s mining cadastral system will be in place within one year will help clear the huge backlog of mining and exploratio­n applicatio­ns and could spur fresh foreign investment.

Moreover, Van der Linde says, government’s Freight Logistics Roadmap clearly outlines increased cooperatio­n between the private sector and the state, which should help boost confidence within the sector.

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