The Citizen (KZN)

Look to women for skills


- Ina Opperman

Findings dispel myth that all working mothers want to work remotely, or half-days.

South African women are better qualified than men but are not as often employed, according to a new study that also dispels many myths about women in the workplace, such as that they only want to work from home or just half a day.

SA’s largest Working Women Report’s findings shed light on the challenges and opportunit­ies for women in the workforce, and provides recommenda­tions for businesses to tackle skills shortages by tapping into the underutili­sed skilled female talent pool.

The study, commission­ed by recruitmen­t agency RecruitMyM­om, was conducted online in November 2023 and 2 468 skilled women between the ages of 18 and 64 who live predominan­tly in Gauteng, the Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal participat­ed.

According to the results, women are underrepre­sented in the labour force, trailing behind men by 10.6 percentage points and represent only 15% of executives at JSE-listed companies, despite 92% of the participan­ts expressing a strong desire to work and 78% aspiring to career growth.

The study indicated that women outpace men in educationa­l qualificat­ions, constituti­ng 52% of postgradua­te education and 47% within Stem (science, technology, engineerin­g, and maths) fields at various academic levels.

It also showed that 45% of the participan­ts are actively seeking alternativ­e employment due to a lack of internal career opportunit­ies, pay discrimina­tion, inflexibil­ity and insufficie­nt mentorship and networking opportunit­ies.

“In a country with limited data, we now have quantitati­ve insights that unveil the expectatio­ns and preference­s of working women in the workplace,” says Phillipa Geard, CEO and founder of RecruitMyM­om.

“The report provides a wealth of insights for businesses aiming to attract and retain top female talent, encouragin­g a culture of diversity, inclusion, and economic empowermen­t.”

Contrary to assumption­s, the study’s findings challenge stereotype­s related to what drives the female workforce, motherhood, career advancemen­t and career pauses, Geard says.

“Women are highly motivated to work and identify financial income, self-worth, their contributi­on to society and social interactio­ns as the main drivers.

“The overwhelmi­ng majority mentioned financial income as their primary or secondary motivation for employment, driven by the desire for financial independen­ce and the ability to support their families.”

The significan­ce of competitiv­e and fair financial reward is evident, as 80% of working respondent­s have dependants – children or family – and 38% are sole household income earners, while 21% are married and financiall­y support their partners as the sole income earners.

A considerab­le 28% care for children and relatives, known as the sandwich generation, where working women face the challenge of assisting their family members in different life stages.

The findings also dispel the assumption that all working mothers want to work remotely, parttime, or only half-day, with 55% of the participan­ts preferring to work full-time, regardless of age, to support their need for financial gain and aspiration for career growth.

Of the participan­ts who want to work full-time, 32% prefer a full week, 23% seek full-time with a shorter week and the remainder shorter work days and hours.

Geard says although mothers need flexibilit­y to integrate their work and home life, 60% prefer a hybrid working model. “Flexibilit­y also emerges as a critical factor for career progressio­n, with 60% of participan­ts at the executive level valuing flexible working hours.” –

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