The Citizen (KZN)

Sekunjalo wins case


- Ciaran Ryan

Decision to close its bank accounts was due to political interferen­ce, it says.

Sekunjalo’s efforts to get to the bottom of the decision by several local banks to shut its accounts received a boost this week with a ruling by the Western Cape High Court in Cape Town that the Financial Intelligen­ce Centre (FIC) must handover all documents pertaining to Sekunjalo, its subsidiari­es, as well as those of EOH, Tongaat Hulett and others.

The banks cited reputation­al risk as the reason for closing the accounts, based largely on the findings of the 2020 Mpati Commission of Inquiry’s report into the Public Investment Corporatio­n (PIC), which found the PIC had disregarde­d its policies and procedures in making investment­s in Sekunjalo subsidiari­es.

Judge Daniel Thulare gave the FIC 20 days to supply documents requested by Sekunjalo and ordered it to pay the costs of the case.

The FIC, which opposed the case, got some rough treatment from Thulare for claiming Sekunjalo had not demonstrat­ed a connection between the informatio­n it sought and the cause of action.

“This statement seems to be deliberate­ly contrary to what one ordinarily expects, which is that the applicants could only make the allegation complained of, as a fact, after they had access to the very reports that the FIC denied the applicants access to,” reads Thulare’s judgment.

And there’s this: “The applicants in the case [Sekunjalo and its associates] have establishe­d their right to their informatio­n sought.

“Fairness and equity, and our constituti­onal values of openness and transparen­cy, favours that [Sekunjalo] be granted access to the reports which the respondent banks provided to the FIC as regards reputation­al and business risk as well as [the] anti-bribery legal and regulatory framework.”

Sekunjalo Investment Holdings chair Dr Iqbal Survé responded: “This is a significan­t victory for us as we have maintained from the beginning that there has been no basis for any of our accounts to be closed, as there is no wrongdoing by any of our companies.

“The decision to close our accounts has been motivated by political interferen­ce and is tantamount to economic sabotage in an effort to destroy the country’s biggest blackowned media house, along with other Sekunjalo-owned entities.” The company argues that the closure, or threats to close, its bank accounts was not based on objective evidence but on subjective desire under instructio­n.

In a previous hearing before the Competitio­n Tribunal in October 2023, Sekunjalo argued that the claim of reputation­al risk by the banks was selectivel­y applied.

For example, FNB continued to bank JSE-listed EOH despite being cited prominentl­y in the Zondo commission report into state capture. Other disgraced companies like Tongaat and Steinhoff continued to enjoy banking services.

The banks responded in these cases that the executives responsibl­e for wrongdoing had been fired or replaced.

Sekunjalo is the proprietor of Independen­t Newspapers and dozens of other companies involved in fishing, property and technology, to name a few.

Finding in favour of Sekunjalo this week, Thulare said constituti­onally entrenched rights “will be emaciated and hollow” if institutio­ns are not required to supply the informatio­n requested, where this relates to their achievemen­t of equality, compliance with legislatio­n and codes of practice.

Following this ruling, Sekunjalo is also entitled to receive all reports of suspicious and unusual transactio­ns made to the FIC by accounting institutio­ns concerning EOH and its subsidiari­es, KPMG, Steinhoff and Tongaat.

The company is suing the Presidency and state organs for R75 billion. “The foundation of this suit is that the banks had no basis to close the accounts but were instructed to do so,” it says.

This is a significan­t victory for us... as there’s no wrongdoing by our companies

 ?? Picture: Bloomberg ?? COURT VICTORY. Sekunjalo CEO Iqbal Survé says there was no objective evidence why banks decided to close its accounts.
Picture: Bloomberg COURT VICTORY. Sekunjalo CEO Iqbal Survé says there was no objective evidence why banks decided to close its accounts.

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