The Citizen (KZN)

Help furry friends manage separation anxiety


Lori M Teller

A change in routine – such as suddenly being alone for many hours every day – is a major cause of separation anxiety for both dogs and cats.

Separation anxiety is more than a little whimpering when you head out the door.

It’s major, unwanted behaviour that happens every time you leave or are away.

For dogs and cats, this can mean excessive pacing, barking or howling, whimpering or self-grooming as you get ready to leave. In some cases it can mean urinating or defecating around the house, often in places where scents linger – such as on bedding or rugs – or destroying household items in your absence.

Extreme clinginess or neediness is another symptom. Anxious pets can get destructiv­e.

Separation anxiety won’t go away on its own, and it can be difficult to get rid of entirely. But there are ways to manage it.

As a clinical veterinari­an and professor, I am often asked to help people find ways to ease their pets’ anxiety.

First, it’s important to understand that it’s not about you – it’s about your pet. Your dog or cat is not trying to teach you a lesson or get revenge. Animals don’t act out of spite.

Instead, it’s a signal of extreme distress and frustratio­n that should be approached like any other medical ailment.

Your pet doesn’t want to experience separation anxiety any more than you want to experience its consequenc­es. For this reason, punishment is never the answer.

Balanced relationsh­ip

For one thing, your pet won’t connect the punishment with something that happened hours – or even a few minutes – earlier.

And punishment may only exacerbate your pet’s anxiety and stress.

Similarly, going to the opposite extreme by praising or giving affection when your pet is suffering anxiety, also will make the problem worse. The goal is to create a balanced relationsh­ip so your pet tolerates being alone.

First, get your pet checked out by a veterinari­an to rule out physical conditions, such as a urinary tract infection if your pet urinates in inappropri­ate places. Next, make sure your pet gets plenty of exercise and mental stimulatio­n.

For dogs, this may mean a long run or brisk walk every day. Getting exercise shortly before you leave the house may put your dog in a more relaxed state while you’re gone. It’s harder to feel stressed when the endorphin levels are elevated.

For cats, this could mean a change of environmen­t by being outdoors in a safe, enclosed area such as a “catio”.

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