The Herald (South Africa)

Your Stars

- with Jonathon Cainer

ARIES March 21 — April 21

When we help others, do we also automatica­lly help ourselves? Whilst it is true that, 'in giving, we receive', we can never be entirely sure about precisely what it is that we will receive and how useful it will be to us. As the last in a series of seven rare squares between Uranus and Pluto takes place today, we find you feeling as if life is asking you to make a sacrifice of some kind for the sake of some greater good. Have faith in the idea that one day this will benefit you. The proof of this may take a little longer to arrive.

TAURUS April 21 — May 21

How can you justify your deepest belief? Where is your logical explanatio­n? Where is your demonstrab­le evidence? And, if you have only got a gut feeling to go on, ought you not to take an indigestio­n tablet for it? Perhaps this is just a reaction to something you have found hard to swallow. I say this, not to encourage doubt, but to support certainty. If an idea resonates with the deepest part of your heart, it surely deserves to be taken seriously today, while Uranus and Pluto form their historic right angle.

GEMINI May 21 — June 22

If you don't want your bluff to be called, avoid calling someone else's bluff! And if you are not bluffing? Then it hardly matters if you are asked to produce evidence that supports your declared position. What if you don't know whether or not an assertion is defensible? Then you are bluffing and must accept the concomitan­t risk. Where there is even an element of doubt today, you are best advised to stay in safe territory. If someone else is spinning a web of self-delusion, it will fall apart soon enough on its own.

CANCER June 22 — July 23

“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs...” So said Rudyard Kipling in his poem, If. The verse extols the virtues of stability and steadiness. We need to be wise. We need to stay calm. We need to maintain a sense of perspectiv­e. Yet we all also know that this is easier said than done, particular­ly when the last in a set of seven sharp alignments from Uranus to Pluto, is stirring up anxieties around the globe. But you can, indeed, now supply those stoic, sensible, qualities, they will lead to all you need.

LEO July 23 — Aug 24

What has been going on behind the scenes? An audience never really knows the answer to this. They gaze at the stage as various curtains rise and fall. Small vignettes are acted out to distract them, whilst labourers toil to dismantle sets and hang new backdrops. The witnesses are merely required to be amazed by the unexpected dramatic changes which are suddenly revealed to them. You are about to see something you did not know you were going to see. You may yet be delighted by this revelation.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sept 23

There may be a wolf at the door. Perhaps there is a tiger under the table and a lion gnawing away at all the bones on the skeletons that are kept at the back of the closet. But even if there is a giant dinosaur, perhaps a hungry tyrannosau­rus rex baring its teeth at your window, there is a gentle little leprechaun sitting on your shoulder and pointing towards a safe, secret, escape route that you are free to follow. The one small voice of hope in your world now, means more than the entire cacophonic, catastroph­ic, chorus.

LIBRA Sept 23 — Oct 23

Seven historic alignments between Uranus and Pluto have been taking place since June 2012. After they complete their latest right angle, it will be nearly 60 years before they do this again. Though neither of these celestial bodies are linked by traditiona­l symbolism to your sign, it is clear that we are living through a time of change. Whenever the world faces potential upheaval, it needs its Librans to help restore balance. We all need you to be level-headed now. If you strive to see sense, the cosmos will support you.

SCORPIO Oct 22 — Nov 23

Trouble now lies behind you. To see it, you must not only look over your shoulder, you must fix your eye to a telescope and focus intently on an issue that is receding ever further into the past with each new day that dawns. You can bring it nearer to you by giving it more energy and attention but why would you want to do that? What is to be gained, even if you happen to win a battle that is now irrelevant? As Uranus and Pluto end their series of seven alignments, it is time to end your relationsh­ip with a part of the past.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 23

“Least said, soonest mended.” So folk used to say in the old days. It was the motto by which they lived their lives. No wonder the world was so uptight and unhappy. No wonder we all found it so easy to live in denial, ignoring vital truths that were staring us in the face. It is all well and good pretending that something hasn't happened or that a problem doesn't exist, but that alone doesn't solve a problem and it certainly doesn't clear a conscience. Today's final Uranus/Pluto square brings a real chance to clear stale air.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 21

Right angles in astrology, often seem to cause people to see situations from the wrong angles. Not only are we now seeing the seventh in a series of right angles from Uranus to Pluto, but your ruler, Saturn, is also affected by tense celestial angles that stir up a similar propensity for misunderst­anding. It is almost as if nobody is listening to (or co-operating with) anyone else. A stand-off cannot go on forever. Make a conciliato­ry gesture. No matter what this costs in terms of pride, the reward will make it all worthwhile.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 20

The worst is over. The best is yet to come. But how can you tell unless you open your eyes? If you are steeling yourself for a plunge into a lake of icy water, what will you start to feel if all you reach is just a dip in the road? Your foot will only drop a few inches but, as you aren't looking, the shock will cause you to suspect that the plummet has begun. And should a stray speck of water hit you from a nearby garden sprinkler, you are sure to think that this is foam from the fast approachin­g ravine. Look carefully. Then cheer up!

PISCES Feb 20 — March 21

Historic alignments don't invariably coincide with memorable headlines or moments when our lives change forever. Or rather, they do, but (somewhat to the annoyance of every student astrologer) they rarely coincide exactly. There is often a lag of up to several days. If something pretty big has happened to you lately, you need neither hope nor fear that there is more of the same in store today. And if you are still holding out for a big change for the better... Well, it still may not be this very day but it is on its way.

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